Example sentences of "[verb] [noun prp] [noun prp] have given " in BNC.

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1 Granny 's son had been a gamekeeper on the estate , but now that he had gone elsewhere to work Sir Benson had given Granny notice that she must quit the cottage .
2 On first hearing , I prematurely thought Vin Garbutt had given abortion a rest .
3 Referee Jimmy Johnston had given a general warning about foul play only a few minutes earlier .
4 Before he left Fontainebleau Ho had given instructions to be ready for any eventuality .
5 Mr Brown savaged the Budget and said Mr Lamont had given a a ‘ triple Conservative tax whammy ’ , with tax rises this year , next year and the year after that .
6 Mr Robin Cook , Labour 's health spokesman , said Mr Clarke had given no good explanation for his precipitate action .
7 Mr Robin Cook , Labour 's health spokesman , said Mr Clarke had given no good explanation for his precipitate action .
8 He said Lord Lane had given ‘ substance ’ to the Police and Criminal Evidence Act and took the ‘ decisive step ’ in removing the legal fiction that a husband could not rape his wife .
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