Example sentences of "[verb] [adv] over [pers pn] and " in BNC.

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1 Snow from the trees had fallen all over us and his arms and shoulders were covered in a white dust that sparkled in the light from my lamp .
2 when we us the last two and that one exploded on me I had this and it goes and exploded all over me and went over
3 You 've got jailbait written all over you and you 're proposing walking the West End without a place to stay .
4 Creggan came out of his concrete shelter into his cage , the branch thrust right over it and on to the path in front , and smaller branches from it filling half his cage with confusion .
5 This is the usual cube-like structure in matt black , but when it is switched on and working , lots of tiny ruby lights twinkle and sparkle all over it and it becomes totally magical and beautiful .
6 are happy with the numbers standing on the Kop for a big derby game , why should UEFA ride roughshod over them and knock an astonishing 6,000 off the gate for what is possibly Liverpool 's most important match of the season .
7 Charlie Rogers and , later , his son , Guy , were very good to us , allowing us to treat their estate as our own , to ride all over it and to wander where we would with our dogs .
8 Draw a diagram with , it does n't have to be neat just sort of scrawl all over it and tat it until you get it
9 They 'd have gone right over us and not even known they 'd hit us . "
10 A long right arm as hard as steel took him about the body , prisoning his left arm above the elbow , and the grazed breast leaned violently over him and broke his balance .
11 Some of those waves at the bottom of the world — I mean you can tell by the look of them they have come from the beginnings of time and will roll right over you and go on rolling for ever .
12 His gaze swept boldly over her and she felt a rush of warmth right through her veins as though his hands had followed the path taken by his eyes .
13 His grey eyes swept derisively over her and she flinched .
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