Example sentences of "[verb] [adv] down [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 When the little animal is disturbed it burrows furiously down into the ground until it has completely disappeared except for its horny rump .
2 Sam said , frowning , ‘ You ca n't have dived out under the curtain , it goes right down to the river bed . ’
3 However , at the end of the film , the car driven by Mark ( Sean Connery ) drives right down to the end of the road , and instead of falling into the ( non-existent ) harbour , turns right into a previously unsuspected street or quay along its edge and disappears from view .
4 Its colour void led to clean , efficient lines which had an appeal that passed right down to the high street .
5 A bath safety-rail made of chromium-plated tubular steel makes getting in and out of the bath much easier and safer ; and a bath seat with a back support eliminates the need to sit right down in the bath ( see Chapter 12 ) .
6 You had to go right down to the bottom to the lavatory : that was a game , that was .
7 The restoration of this historic fighter has been completed right down to the last detail , it carries a complete set of camera ports , although the cameras have not been fitted .
8 Mrs Knelle 's garden — or perhaps I should say ‘ grounds ’ — meandered gently down to the narrow lakeside road .
9 As Ross watched her gazing fondly down at the babies , whose heads were already covered with dark hair , and — so Laura had firmly informed him — were carbon copies of their father , he knew that he was an incredibly lucky man .
10 Thomas was motor-crazy , she thought , gazing fondly down at the small dungareed figure .
11 ‘ You see — we did n't wake the children , after all , ’ Ross drawled , his eyes glinting with amusement as he gazed warmly down at the soft figure in his arms .
12 It was probably whilst flying high over an approaching enemy that one Goblin got a bit carried away , and steering himself as best as he could with his crude wings , crashed right down onto the enemy army .
13 Tristan made a noncommittal gesture and his brother sank wearily down at the table .
14 behind the antique shop , and we went along and had a look and at ten o'clock it had dropped right down to the second step from the bottom roughly
15 To see under the bridge , the mestizo would have to come right down into the water .
16 Well if you did n't there 'd be so much change on the bail that they all start to fall off and there 'd be all one big muddle cos that and as chain coming down that used to come right down into the chain locker to the bottom of the ships .
17 As Paddy realised that his stalling tactics were n't going to get him a morning off we went out of the village on a treelined bridleway sloping gently down to the coast .
18 A few miles outside Moscow on a ridge of hills sloping steeply down to the river Moskva below is the Church of the Decapitation of S. John the Baptist at Dyakovo ( 245 ) , which is only about a mile away across the trees and woods from the unusual Church of the Ascension at Kolomenskoe ( Chapter 5 , Fig. 560 ) .
19 By the light of the fires he could see Paul already sitting cross-legged on a buffalo skin by the pholy , and he sank gratefully down on the other side of him .
20 In a brief lull we moved quickly down to the river and followed it back down the valley .
21 He straightened up easily as he spoke , and the lidded gaze moved laconically down over the outline of her body beneath the thin bedcover .
22 Tabitha hung her bag on her shoulder and came walking nonchalantly down from the cockpit , not even glancing up to see the great cables gliding rapidly down towards her head .
23 And it looks now down on the bench which is er just down beneath our commentary position here as though Neil Webb is taking off his er track suit and will come on shortly .
24 And she told him wonderful tales , about the sea.king 's palace , about the windswept isle of Bujan and the amber stone Alatyr , about Perun , the god of the thunder , about the dragon of Lake Rikavatz and the Zmayevska Vatra , the dragons ' fire , which lies deep down below the round of the world .
25 Mathilda peered fearfully down into the garden and got to her feet .
26 The mirror is then placed on top of the straight-edge ( or a thin timber batten ) and lined up with it , tapped lightly to ‘ spread the cut ’ , and broken by pressing firmly down on the two sides of the cut .
27 When the last goodbyes and blessings on him had been murmured by the ladies , two dimmed lanterns were provided by Mrs Prynn the housekeeper , and the priest was led down to the kitchens and into the stables , under the floor of which a tunnel led steeply down to the shore .
28 She dropped her robe on to the stool near by and stepped into the water , sinking slowly down into the warmth .
29 ‘ He 's dead — dropped right down in the middle of the cake-tasting .
30 There is good evidence that the infall occurs right down into the central parsec , but at a much smaller rate than the overall mass inflow rate , suggesting that any accretion onto a central black hole is episodic .
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