Example sentences of "[verb] [adv] been down to " in BNC.

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1 He made it sound like we 've been our for a , you know , a romantic candle lit dinner and , you know , and we 'd just been down to his study for God 's sake !
2 ‘ But I 've only been down to the banister to pick up my coat . ’
3 ‘ I 've just been down to the market .
4 Hiya yeah yeah oh yeah I 've just been down to oh we 've only just got in
5 I 've just been down to the grubber .
6 Neville , fresh in from points east , had just been down to Carnaby Street and looked the very model of the new generation .
7 I 've actually been down to Norfolk this weekend so
8 I have personally been down to the suppliers several times and checked , and there is no doubt we will have delivery .
9 Lucy , who has 13 grandchildren and two great grandsons , added : ‘ I have already been down to my flat and have had a laugh with my friends .
10 Right and that was the result we generally observe in agriculture in that , for example , if you have ever been down to er the West the West of England where there is a number of apple growers you will find that when there is a very big harvest , right , apples just left to rot on trees , right , simply because it is not worth farmers harvesting er those apples because they wo n't get er price to cover their average vanable costs .
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