Example sentences of "[verb] [adv] out [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 If , however , top-selling weekly music papers are more your cup of tea , then this well-worn proverb goes right out of the window .
2 The Warlords had already marched right out of the arena .
3 The gun roared and the clay disintegrated somewhere out over the field .
4 They waited for some long-legged creature to come stepping delicately out of the trees .
5 A plainclothes policeman got leisurely out of the panda car and walked across the road to them .
6 It looks as if there 's a wall sticking right out over the shingle . ’
7 She got wearily out of the car and tramped across the car park to the reception lobby , where she asked the receptionist with peroxided hair if she could phone the AA .
8 A diver had found it out at sea trapped beneath the underground storage container from a petrol station , the container having been ripped right out of the ground .
9 … which soon flies right out of the window ! . 40%
10 Others even claim that the present knowledge of man and his mind is nil and that real culture will arise only out of the knowledge of the sequence of human DNA .
11 My unfaithfulness will be eased gently out along the process of life , dispensing with small fragments of guilt as I go .
12 And it 's unlikely that Chas 's grandfather got much out of the British Empire beyond , in all probability , two or three years spent serving as a soldier in India , two or three years off the dole queue .
13 Our confidence thus bolstered , we were now stepping eagerly out of the tent bound for Ancohuma .
14 Under the new captaincy of Ken Mentle , the club decided not to go all out for the title but simply to consolidate their Premier Division status .
15 Powerful , yet emotive , and sometimes melodramatic , The Power of One goes all out for the heartstrings with the weight of justice and the inevitability of history on its side .
16 The tram schoogled away again , and Maggie gazed eagerly out at the passing scene .
17 About now , the first Hooray of spring can be seen stepping gingerly out of The Admiral Codrington and standing with his G 'n' T in the middle of the road .
18 He glances uneasily out of the window " ( p. 44 ) , but it is also a noteworthy example of his conversational meandering .
19 But these are frustrating conditions for a dedicated drifter who does n't feel entirely happy unless at least one drifting vane is bobbing somewhere out on the horizon .
20 The bottom 's dropped right out of the market . ’
21 Killer whales evidently evince feelings of considerable fear in these creatures for even the usually timid Grey seal has been known to jump right out of the sea , joining a man upon a rock , when Killer whales were about .
22 The Brocklehurst family stood up and moved slowly out of the schoolroom .
23 He probably lies somewhere out on the Steppes , together with so many of his companions .
24 He stood aside and the great vehicle moved ponderously out of the garage .
25 they 'll fall right out on the floor among the
26 My sister 's dead body was carried slowly out of the house and through the village , followed by all of us .
27 Raimundo 's shaggy lurchers swarmed round Perdita as she staggered groggily out of the car .
28 Tugged out of her siesta like a back tooth , she staggered groggily out to the yard .
29 leer lopsidedly out of the window
30 Cassie dropped her pen and moved swiftly out of the room and down the steps onto the landing .
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