Example sentences of "[verb] [noun prp] [conj] [adv] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Jacob Bright MP , dismissed Acton as probably the most illogical man who ever put a pen to paper .
2 Some Social Democrats analysed Russia as partly an Asiatic mode of production , a position denounced by Lenin , who insisted on the fully capitalist character of the Russian economy and hence its ripeness for socialist agitation .
3 Dos Passos described Madeira as both a Paradise and a prison .
4 Unfortunately his value to the West went to Gouzenko 's head and he quickly became paranoid , demanding endless attention and claiming to have saved Canada and indeed the West from disaster .
5 Guided by his new-found friend , Charles studied Jung and also the work of economist and philosopher E. F. Schumacher , who wrote a book entitled Small Is Beautiful ; over the years the Prince has found many of the answers he was searching for .
6 The interest sparked by the new series is expected to rival Thunderbirds and already the province 's top toy stores have taken orders for toys to coincide with the TV launch .
7 I thought I was getting David and maybe a few personal possessions , but when he actually turned up , he was with a friend in a very large van , and this rather ethereal , thin , slightly spotty figure that was David in those days , dressed in extremely scruffy clothes , emerged from this van carrying a twelve string guitar , which it transpired was a present from Pete Townshend .
8 Not only had his troops let him down , but he was expecting Austria and probably the entire German Confederation to enter the war on the allied side .
9 You know Steve and better the devil you know than the one you do n't — ’
10 ‘ I still think you should try marrying Peg , ’ Fred said , starting for the door and giving Arthur as sharp a seizure as he had ever had of longing and hatred for an ally who was deserting him to go to sleep .
11 Robertson regards France as probably the most sinister and duplicitous force in the EC , as well as the country with the highest ‘ democratic deficit ’ ( this term , widely used in the Euro-debate , means a lack of democratic accountability ) .
12 It would also leave Lewis as possibly a minor player in the world heavyweight scene which could be returning to the chaos that surrounded it before Mike Tyson brutally united sports richest prize .
13 He plundered Grandmont and then the abbey of La Couronne near Angoulême .
14 Matiba , a former Cabinet minister , had left Kenya after almost a year in detention [ see p. 37603 for his arrest in July 1990 ] .
15 So make London as nice a place to run as it can be to visit .
16 I said : ‘ First , Tibetans own Tibet and therefore the land of Tibet belongs to Tibetans .
17 Here one may note that while , eventually , it was France who not only defined Vietnam but also the character of Vietnamese resistance , it can also be argued that in the impact of the first two revolutionary events of the 2Oth century experienced in Vietnam , the inspiration came from Asia itself .
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