Example sentences of "[verb] [noun prp] [conj] [pron] [vb base] " in BNC.

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1 Earlier Romantic interests in dream , haunting and death were revivified by Odilon Redon 's lithographs and drawings and transposed into a mawkish fascination with human decollation and disembodiment ( a prescient subject of much Surrealist interest later ) , witness perhaps of his desire to escape from the strictures of the body where only material limitation and disease existed — the concerns of eschatology , sexuality and mysticism certainly haunted Redon as they do so much Symbolist thought .
2 Glenn Hoddle says that playing at Wembley can be like making your debut … the sight of the twin towers still gives you a buzz but they 've got to forget all about that and get on and win the game … it 's a wonderful place to play he says and the pitch should suit Swindon but they 've got to concentrate on the job in hand
3 I mean I wouldn't 've minded if she said come up the house like and she mentioned Cardiff but I 've gone so fat I do n't wan na go !
4 I was going to come Friday but I do n't know what , is it bad compared with the other days then ?
5 Mr Barnet rowed the boat and he let Edward and me have a turn with one oar .
6 They helped build Kuwait and they know about Kuwait and we know about them and we trust each other .
7 ‘ I am not representing CND , I am not representing the Vatican , I am representing Tottenham and I think many other people as well . ’
8 You think that 's especially true and like say Aberdeen if you go in a shop there and and , at least it used to be the case , and asked for something you be thought you were speaking fine but they would just say , Oh my you down from Orkney for a holiday ?
9 And that 's not all : he 's keeping Patterson till we release Tiemens . ’
10 I 'll let I 'll let you know Monday if I 've got trouble with babysitters .
11 say Mrs when you get to mine put the meat in the fridge .
12 Would my neighbours have let Lou and me have Sophie and Ben ?
13 I really do n't know Emily because I 've never even heard of the work and I suggest you look at it in the dictionary
14 Hall then wrote to Palmerston , on 20th March , only one week after asking for the designs , saying that he would not include Donaldson as I think it very doubtful whether the new Department will be proceeded with , as I hope the Downing Street improvement will be carried out' , and two days later The Saturday Review in an article on the competition also suggested that the War Department should be moved to the Downing Street area .
15 Maybe more so than say Sandwick and I find like Rendal folk you could tell some of them even yet .
16 I propose Elizabeth that you circulate Jenny 's reprocedures to everyone but we do n't know with them , that we will read them prior to the next meeting and agree them at the meeting papers turning I have got to assess papers turning take one .
17 They will I a agree with that but the nice thing is that if they can get out there and get at 'em and get another goal that will build their confidence and their stamina and everything up and I thi really do think Alan that they have a chance .
18 ‘ David , this is Comfort , of whom you have heard Anthony and me speak so often . ’
19 who would administer all the drugs etc , erm , they come in and they said right just take a sit Joy and you know make yourself comfortable , I said oh fine and I sat , sat in the chair said well I 'll sit with these for me dining room and I 'll have four for me bedroom and
20 Kill Churchill when we 've already lost the war . ’
21 It so happens Kelly and I have been looking forward to this weekend , and I guarantee that men will play no part in it at all . ’
22 I also told David that I think there is a substantial difference between my vision of the Library and that of some other staff , and that this factor is the cause of much of the perceived difficulty between myself and others .
23 ‘ He 's a nice old boy , ’ says Fairfax as we watch the laibon counting in his cattle .
24 Dundee boss Simon Stainrod said : ‘ We are negotiating with a club to sell Leighton but I do n't want to mention them at this stage . ’
25 Caremore Council believe that Paul has been sexually abusing Jane and they intend to apply for a care order .
26 The features which characterize UDC and which make it appropriate for the applications discussed above are :
27 ‘ Politically , there 's no way he can give money for work at Flushing Meadow when we have thousands homeless and barely able to live ’ .
28 So nobody actually goes until the bell goes , but you need to be listening Matthew because you do n't know what you 've got to take to the party yet .
29 Well done Robert and you get five hundred pounds .
30 I says Lindsey if you want us to trust you , you have got to tell the truth
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