Example sentences of "[verb] [noun prp] [noun] [adv] from " in BNC.

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1 Black wing-tips always distinguish Snow Goose both from swans and from albino geese of other species ; white head distinguishes Blue Goose from other grey geese .
2 Well having seen Blackburn Rovers away from home a few times this season I I 've got ta say at half time I thought they 'd they 'd be comfortably in control .
3 ‘ You can draw whatever similarities you like , ’ says Mr Robbins innocently from behind his granny glasses .
4 Can he pilot Blackburn Rovers straight from the Second Division to the championship as Clough did with Forest ?
5 Only lack of challenge in her job would lure Professor Costall away from Bradford .
6 I also recruited Elwood Glover straight from high school .
7 THE television , the cinema and computer games have not managed to prise Ulster children away from book-reading habits , a straw poll shows today .
8 WILD horses would not drag Stuart McLean away from Coleraine right now .
9 I knew Tony Milton well from my brief days on the amateur golfing circuit .
10 The thing which put Sunday tea apart from that of the rest of the week was the lovely hot Wiltshire dough cake .
11 Dawn McSherry , manageress of River Island in Church Street , is convinced there 's a special look which sets Liverpool girls apart from fellow fashion-seekers in other major cities .
12 Bare-chested , a handkerchief over his head and baggy black pants billowing , only the walkman marked Peter Maher apart from a latter-day Henry Morgan , so pirate-like was his appearance .
13 Some of the singers knew their place in that production — almost miraculously , Gergiev had coaxed Sergei Leiferkus away from a couple of London Fiery Angels to sing Tomsky for old times ' sake — but one of Gergiev 's protégés , Gegam Gregorian , was tackling Hermann for the first time , and Maria Guleghina had flown in for Lisa .
14 What really sets James Zarei apart from the rest is not his physical ability , but his mental approach to running .
15 A kindly man who is trying to nudge Mr Karimov away from repressive measures , Mr Zakhidov admitted that the government apparatus was as corrupt as ever but suggested that the president himself was clean .
16 In 1791 William Cowper set Mary Leapor apart from other ‘ natural ’ poets whose celebrity and achievement had been strictly ephemeral .
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