Example sentences of "[verb] [adv] to [det] [art] " in BNC.

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1 The profession owes much to all the good work done by the tutors .
2 Estimates of the extent of desertification vary ; the Gaia atlas of planet management ( Myers 1985 ) , for example , suggests that c. 10 per cent of the 700 million people that inhabit the arid and semi-arid zones are living in areas that are becoming impoverished and that c. 12 million ha of land are degraded annually to such an extent that they are agriculturally unproductive .
3 It is a multi-layered work , setting a poem written to commemorate the death of Abraham Lincoln , but dedicated equally to all the dead of the American Civil War and written in the immediate aftermath of the death of Franklin D Roosevelt and the end of the Second World War .
4 However , in recent years the number and diversity of these studies has grown substantially to such a point where evidence from America , Japan , Europe and Australia all point to a link between moderate drinking and a significant reduction in death rates from heart disease * .
5 In situation V , the test factor , sex , is related negatively to both the other two variables .
6 However , we can by no means stick slavishly to such a rule , for good harmonic flow needs variety in spacing intervals , and in any case we may wish to avoid smooth harmony and have something pungent , harsh , and bitter .
7 The decision came after the United States , Britain , France and Russia , which had agreed earlier to such a step , had enlisted the support of the fifth permanent member , China .
8 I welcome the hon. Member for Manchester , Withington ( Mr. Bradley ) to the Opposition Front Bench and look forward to many a debate with him .
9 Each tube begins at an opening on the flank of the shell and then branches internally into a fine network that leads ultimately to all the organs and tissues of the body , the tips even entering individual cells and delivering gaseous oxygen to them .
10 Public opinion , it was argued , would react unfavourably to such an extreme measure .
11 For babies who seem to react badly to all the different formula feeds , the possibility of some other cause , such as an infection , should be reconsidered .
12 The cultural field expands thus to such a point that it bursts through the barriers that had previously contained it as only a de-limited field .
13 The very best Halls in London were booking the Girls and there were exciting prospects of travelling abroad to all the major capitals .
14 Defence is provided in West Germany by armed forces whose number totals close to half a million men and women .
15 Therefore it is unlikely that all patients can be expected to respond favourably to such a diet .
16 The winner 's benefit from responding appropriately to such a signal is that it does not risk injury by escalating the conflict into a real fight when it need not have done so .
17 Although I had now done a few television interviews , I was still a relative novice and there was so much that I wanted to get across to all the people watching .
18 They bow gracefully to all the passengers , catching the men 's eyes with a practised coquetry that yet seems charmingly fresh , then vanish backwards with tiny steps to reappear with hot towels and orchid sprays .
19 Erm well we had a a big raffle erm we wrote away to all the local shops and restaurants ask them to donate prizes and we raised a lot of money through that and also my mum erm cooked Indian snacks which we sold during the interval erm which everyone loved and so it worked quite well .
20 Lanfranc 's authority over the Irish Church had been confined to Dublin , but shortly after his consecration Anselm wrote generally to all the bishops in Ireland urging them to establish canonical discipline , concluding with the words :
21 But never before has Moses been accused of lording it over the people ( some words of Korah in verse 3 of this same chapter come close to such a charge ) and never before has Egypt been called ‘ a land flowing with milk and honey ’ .
22 I am not saying that Christians subscribe openly to such a view of doubt .
23 Certainly , I have known some undergraduates who would rise brilliantly to such a challenge ; but they are an exception , and one can not base a course on what would suit the exceptional student , much as one would like to .
24 But fields that have been heavily dosed with chemical weedkillers and fertilizers would take centuries to become home to such a wealth of wildlife .
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