Example sentences of "[verb] [adv] [Wh det] [pers pn] could " in BNC.

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1 Walter Legge liked to tell the story — I think as an example of both your musicianship and your tactical skills — that at the graduation class in Vienna you chose the Overture to Rossini 's Guillaume Tell and then sent everyone away except the cellos so you could show exactly what you could do with them in the opening bars of the piece .
2 But then she found that she must have been without noticing , for she discovered that there was writing everywhere which she could read without even trying .
3 And the handout I 've got here which I could n't tie in just now when I was trying to do the deduction is because the rates are very slightly different .
4 Slavery , to Sheffield female abolitionists , was essentially unlawful ; human laws could only take away what they could create .
5 We need to consider carefully what we could do .
6 He was aware that a captain with a record such as his has a big advantage , since any troops will respond better to a leader they know has been through the fire himself , and so he knew just what he could ask of his bowlers .
7 Immediately , Lalage knew just what she could have done with that masterpiece in satin .
8 She would walk the half-mile or so , and if Luke did n't like the idea then he knew exactly what he could do about it .
9 In in that connection I think perhaps what we could usefully say
10 They said outright what I could not find words for .
11 They carried away what they could on their horses in the form of silver and pewter .
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