Example sentences of "[verb] [adv] [adv] [prep] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Lord 's connection with his ground ceased rather abruptly in 1825 .
2 Olsen has therefore concentrated on four periods when the paintings connect most directly with historic events : from 1797 to 1814 when Napoleon 's Empire imposed a kind of unity on the country ; from the restoration of the monarchy until mid century when historic Romanticism came into conflict with Realism and gradually waned as a moving force in Italian art ; the triumph of Realism in parallel with the rapid progress towards unification from 1849 to 1870 ; and the final period from 1870 until the end of the century when Realism evolved under wider European influences into Symbolism and Divisionism .
3 This image presumably registered most strongly among those sections of the population whose exposure to ideological ‘ schooling ’ was greatest — particularly , therefore , among committed members of the Party and its affiliates .
4 In other words , unemployment has fallen most sharply in those areas where it was least severe .
5 Another of UnivEd 's functions is the formation of campus companies through which products and processes discovered by staff can be developed commercially together with industrial partners .
6 She was longing to go somewhere away from all this , among people who did n't know her , quiet and dark where nothing happened .
7 I think that black kids are treated rather badly in this school , for example , there are less black kids in the ‘ A ’ band .
8 Speculation about his death centred most persistently on financial worries .
9 Continued diplomatic lobbying by France resulted on April 5 in the adoption by the UN Security Council of Resolution 688 condemning the " repression of the Iraqi civilian population in many parts of Iraq , including most recently in Kurdish populated areas , the consequences of which threaten international peace and security " .
10 This may be a little exaggerated , but it makes the point quite nicely that the commodity position of British trade recovered strikingly well after 1945 — essential imports could readily be paid for by exports plus the American loan remarkably quickly after the war 's end .
11 Time seemed to go rather slowly at first .
12 Although they do lie outside the mainstream — indeed , because they lie outside it — authors such as B. S. Johnson have at the very least an important exemplary function , keeping open a wide spectrum of possibility , even for authors who may not always wish to go so far in such radical directions themselves .
13 The success of this approach will depend on finding sequences for oligonucleotides that bind sufficiently well to viral genetic material to cripple the virus , and yet do not bind to normal cellular DNA or RNA .
14 A first attempt has now been made in the Criminal Justice Act 1991 to remedy this omission ( see below ) , but the fact that sentencers have had to wait so long for such a lead is evidence of a serious weakness in the self-regulatory capacity of the Court of Appeal itself .
15 In this series coeliac disease could have been diagnosed and treated much earlier in some patients .
16 For had it not been raining so hard on that Tuesday evening I would have arrived at the Philharmonia Hall in good time .
17 I have not heard the ’ white heat of the technological revolution ’ speech made so well for many years .
18 But , pushing him aside , she gathered her cloak around her , made so bravely from those two old plush tablecloths , and began to walk downhill — the direction she happened to be facing — until she came to St Jude 's churchyard where she sat on a gravestone , her head in her hands , and shivered .
19 Why has British industry failed so comprehensively in these ways ?
20 All processes execute on the local client — not on the central host processor — and version control ensures the dictionary ( list of objects ) is downloaded only once to each client , on the first time of use .
21 ‘ Naga ’ means ‘ wise serpent ’ , the title given long ago to those who had acquired great wisdom .
22 He paused dramatically , gazing so intently at each child below him that Sam thought he must be scanning their heads for lice .
23 It resembles a schoolboy 's notes which have been scattered in the wind and hastily gathered together again with some pages missing and others out of sequence .
24 Although many years later Braque recalled how strong an impression tribal art made on him , it is hard to see any direct reflection of this in the paintings executed at the time when Picasso was reacting so positively to tribal sculpture ; even in a painting like the Nu any influence from tribal art seems to have come at second hand , through Picasso 's Demoiselles .
25 You are directly discriminated against if treated less favourably than a person of the opposite sex is or would be treated , or if you are treated less favourably on racial grounds .
26 The fact that the game was received so enthusiastically in such places as Argentina , Uruguay and Brazil , countries which had had south European rather than British cultures thrust upon them , testifies to the wide popular appeal of football .
27 In minutes she had garlic , onions , carrots and celery cooking together gently in olive oil .
28 This system involves a continuous rotation of paddocks in which the susceptible younger calves graze ahead of the immune adults and remain long enough in each paddock to remove only the leafy upper herbage before being moved on to the next paddock .
29 The photon-correlation experiment utilises two such switches , which change randomly relatively to each other , with a switching time of 10 nanoseconds ( 10 thousand-millionths of a second ) .
30 We went about a mile before they tired of the effort involved , and I did n't mean to go much further in any case because according to the map I had in my pocket we were by then in about the centre of the western spur of the Quillersedge woods .
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