Example sentences of "[verb] [adv] [verb] on [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Very soon , they eat enough to pass on to the next stage of their life cycle .
2 By twelve o'clock he had usually earned enough to live on for the day .
3 So at the end of their dancing career many tried desperately to hang on to the fringes of the theatre world as did matron Daisy Woodworth .
4 My first book was an experiment to see if I could write and it has just gone on from there . ’
5 I 've kept him informed and he has just to get on with his job .
6 The conflict has already dragged on for five years ; thousands have died .
7 ‘ In my 35 years of dealing this is the greatest sculpture that has ever come on to the market , ’ he said .
8 In so far as fairness is used within the traditional adjudicative framework the balancing involved therein may be different in degree but not in kind to that which has always gone on within natural justice itself .
9 Since they are both high-class batsmen this comes as quite a surprise , but looking through the records one sees that one of them has failed fairly often ; their strength is that when that has happened the other has usually gone on to a big score , thereby relieving the pressure on the middle order .
10 TAFF Gregory , the Army cook who won a Gulf War BEM ( Eating Out August 14 ) , has quickly marched on from the Hartforth Hall Hotel at Gilling West , near Richmond .
11 However , as we have seen , central government , who through the SEC has boldly pressed on with the introduction of the GCSE , has even in doing so been subject to its own and its advisers ' demands that Standards should be preserved .
12 He adds that only two computer companies so far have sent manufacturing groups out to see what Crec is doing — IBM Corp , and ICL Plc , which has really turned on to ergonomics and the environment since it bought Nokia Data AB .
13 ‘ Andrew Impey has really come on in leaps and bounds since he first broke into the first team and Ian Holloway does a great job for us . ’
14 When I started , I was very much on my own but over the years it has really caught on in Whaddon and now membership has trebled .
15 Keeping goats has really caught on in the past 10 years , as farmers look to alternative livestock to stay in business .
16 The debate has now gone on for thirty minutes .
17 And if memory serves ( what was she called , that girl who did the PR for Windscale , Sellafield I should say , and Aldershot FC ? ) , oh yes , Daphne Grierson , who has now moved on to greater things and is image adviser to Nigel Canada ( is that correct ? ) the teenage fiddle-player .
18 He has just finished his GCSE 's and has now moved on to ‘ A ’ levels at sixth form .
19 Castells has now moved on to new areas of research , one of these being new forms of communications technology and the threats and opportunities represented by such developments.3 Meanwhile , however , his emphasis on consumption set the tone for a very thriving area of urban sociology by later writers in this tradition .
20 The 12-year-old has now moved on to Branksome School , but still keeps in close contact with Philip , who lives next door .
21 Gavin Scott has now moved on from science to other things ( he is reading the news on TV-am 's Good Morning Britain ) , so we shall not , presumably , see the further development of his short career in science .
22 Hornby , founded in 1908 , has now moved on from trains and cars to sell dolls and video games .
23 She turns to the visitor , who has now subsided on to a settee .
24 Before he invaded Iran in 1980 , Mr Hussein tried hard to get on with the Islamic zealots who had just seized power in Tehran .
25 Noting that the EC central bank proposed by Delors would not be accountable to elected governments , Major proposed instead to build on to Stage 1 further steps to promote convergence of economic performance , low inflation and stable exchange rates by building up the existing EC currency , the ECU .
26 These people have fears which the media has shamelesslessly played on over the years , but which are genuine .
27 It has evidently come on since then .
28 It has yet to catch on in the Third World but when it does it could prove extremely useful .
29 Over the last seven months , Lawrence has quietly got on with a rebuilding job at Ayresome Park .
30 Two of those references are to research by Professor Harry Smith and his colleagues in Birmingham — work which has certainly moved on during the intervening decades .
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