Example sentences of "[verb] [adv] [verb] i the " in BNC.

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1 I was wearier , I was more tolerant , that was the only difference and that change only enabled me the better to accept what I 'd always been .
2 I was so grateful that somebody has finally told me the reason why I was miscarrying . ’
3 ‘ Which is why the lady has already promised me the pleasure of her company tonight .
4 Ken has often told me the story of how Jackie came to drive single-seaters : how he had lost a driver in F3 ( Teddy Mayer 's brother Timmy ) and how John Cooper had reported to him ( belatedly , Ken says , because he 'd already spotted Jackie ) that there was some tiny Scot going around whom he absolutely must sign .
5 Mr. Green has again promised me the pencilled sketches of Dove 's Nest .
6 Fate , thought Charlotte , gazing innocently back into his admiring , devoted , humiliated and furious face , has certainly given me the upper hand of you , my boy !
7 ‘ I think you 'd better tell me the whole story , Charles . ’
8 ‘ You 'd better leave me the matches , then . ’
9 ‘ There 's an inside to things , ’ he explained , ‘ and print only gave me the outside .
10 Chatterton unbent enough to ask me the question .
11 If you 'd known at the beginning that I knew your parents you would n't have even given me the time of day .
12 If you do then tell me the truth .
13 ‘ Well , I think you had better tell me the whole story .
14 " You had better show me the sites , " Matthew said , " and I 'll see what I can suggest . "
15 He had already sent me the Strachey book , The Theory and Practice of Marxism , and Spender 's , the original title of which was The Approach to Communism , seemed to me to go with it very well .
16 I 'm supposed to think that you 've just given me the OK . ’
17 Flaubert was delighted with the story : ‘ Do you know , Lapierre , you 've just given me the subject of a novel , the counterpart of my Bovary , a Bovary of high society .
18 Erm you know it cos you 've just told me the
19 Stephen had just granted me the barony , and I decided ‘ t was time I had a wife .
20 He looked across at me with watery , beseeching eyes as if he had just told me the entire , intolerable story of his life .
21 I said just give me the file on it .
22 I left the FO feeling bruised and battered ; they had really given me the works .
23 Mind yer , 'e likes ter give me the best , does my 'Arold . ’
24 They have just given me the reasons why , which , as I see it , I am not at liberty to reveal at this stage .
25 I did n't much like it , mice and such like have always given me the creeps , but I did feel sorry for it being shut up .
26 a number of my staff have repeatedly asked me the question , what is a project engineer ?
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