Example sentences of "[verb] [pers pn] would do [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 Oh I was n't a very convincing Prince Charming though , do n't think I 'd do it again .
2 I mean I would do you er have ?
3 Fiona Ray , who has Down 's Syndrome , was sure she could win the tough Duke of Edinburgh 's Gold Award , but experts doubted she 'd do it .
4 Tonight , he insisted he 's NOT a hero — but says he 'd do it all again if he had to .
5 Len Daniels was attacked by pirates and virtually ran out of rations — but he says he 'd do it all again .
6 She had said it would do him good .
7 In that case the Lapp had said he would do it for a few drinks if we had any with us .
8 I do n't think she 'd do it , but you can never be sure with Sal . ’
9 I simply ca n't believe you 'd do it to me ! ’
10 ‘ You do n't believe she would do it ?
11 ‘ If Haines recommended the Jockey Club should be abolished we would have to consider it and if we felt it was for the benefit of racing we would do it , ’ Lord Hartington said .
12 ‘ I do n't believe he would do it .
13 you never know I 'd do it any way
14 I 'm not saying it 'll come out right , but that 's what I 'm saying I would do it .
15 I reckon I 'd do it for a thousand pounds .
16 That 's right I know , but see this is , you see this is the point I 'm trying to make to you , you can quite happily do it in your own way , but the problem is you do n't know what you 're doing , right , and , and if you actually knew what you were doing and well aware of what you 're doing you would do it a hundred times better and you would do it all the time , right
17 And they start saying they would do it to people now .
18 That 's because I did n't have time to sit and colour with him so he decided he 'd do it all blue himself did n't you ?
19 I mean , I 'd mean I 'd do it , in a week
20 I thought I would do it alone , but now I 've met you again I 've changed it a bit . ’
21 Of course , Billy 's answer was ‘ certainly ’ , 'cos he obviously never thought I 'd do it . ’
22 She said , ‘ I never thought I 'd do it .
23 Well no I did it last week and one of the references I could n't remember the name of the woman , so I just put Mrs blank and I just left it so I thought I 'd do it again cos there were a couple of bits I did wrong and a bit dodgy , so I though save me writing it I 'll just do it all over again but it looks like I 'm not gon na be able to now because we 've brought out here for a piddling stupid fire drill !
24 So I thought I 'd do you a favour .
25 The dilemma threatened to spoil Sally 's happiness but one thing she was certain of — whatever it took she would do it because she could n't bear to lose him .
26 ‘ I knew you 'd do it , lad .
27 I knew you 'd do it ! ’
28 ‘ But it was assumed you 'd do it , ’ said Pumfrey , cutting into his whinge , or his tactical ramblings , whichever they were .
29 I thought you would do I thought there was something you 'd be doing I wo n't be sure now I 'm gon na put that tax disc in
30 Thought you 'd do them a favour , did you ? ’
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