Example sentences of "[verb] [pers pn] would [verb] [pos pn] " in BNC.

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31 She estimated it would take her 11 years to pay off the debt .
32 When he was enthusiastic about a subject , and I imagined he would turn his back on anything about which he could not enthuse , he leant forward on his bar stool , his thigh beating against it .
33 She wrote , with an unaccustomed fluency , which made her sister wonder if the words had been thought up by her alone , that : — it would not be good for Oreste to leave here at this moment since he has been ill and though he is making a good recovery the doctor who you can be sure I was quick to call and no expense being spared but your money put to good use has said it would injure his general well-being to travel in his weakened state .
34 Dr Nolan had said he would wash his hands of him if he did n't rest up properly .
35 He says that before he died Mr Summerfield had said he 'd like his money to be used for a charitable trust — the gallery is just what he would have wanted .
36 Did he think she would put his affair with Rebecca in jeopardy ?
37 Cos I mean you 'd have your employer plan for the year anyway really .
38 THE POOL Byatt , a keen swimmer , announced she would use her twenty-thousand-pound winnings to pay for a swimming-pool at her house in France .
39 Not hard to imagine she 'd set her sights also on Perkin .
40 She found herself thinking that when she had forced herself to read how and when Oreste had died she would take her sleeping baby and drown both him and herself forthwith .
41 It would also be better from the point of view of traffic — she had n't yet looked up Hallborough on a map , but she guessed she would need her car to get to it .
42 Creggan was startled by this and wondered if in some way she understood that he had made a vow that if ever the chance came for them to escape he would place her freedom before his own .
43 Whenever this happened he 'd get his paints and brushes out and start on another panel for Uncle Titch , who had the contacts with the fairground people .
44 Lucenzo claimed he would defend his family to the end .
45 I reckoned it would take her three or four minutes to get back to her flat , but maybe it was n't a good idea to hang around the neighbourhood .
46 Rain wanted to say she would phone in the morning , or later that evening perhaps , to check that he was all right , but she guessed he would reject her concern .
47 I sensed I would hear his story eventually .
48 ‘ You know I 'd give my right arm to have someone as good as you to model for me !
49 In the wind and rattle sounds I 'd hear her start to cry and put my arm around her and lift her chin and say something that would calm her .
50 I know you would accept your son to have any injury if you thought he was going to come out . ’
51 If I had refused … they threatened they would take our parents ’ lives . ’
52 Well just when the land 's redistributed they would give their own families disproportionately more land .
53 Daddy , you know it would break my heart , if anything happened to you .
54 Relegation is a swear word at Wimbledon because we know it would threaten our existence .
55 Following the report , although the then Secretary of State at first indicated he would implement its recommendations in full , they were subsequently modified to make them less swingeing .
56 It 's entirely voluntary but displaying it would put your organisation in very good company alongside Barclays Bank , Boots , THF , Unigate and many others .
57 For instance , we assume he would satisfy our behavioural criteria for being someone who knows the meaning of the word bank .
58 It was just Guido , she decided , throwing him a harsh look , wishing he 'd lose his balance and fall head first into the water .
59 Slovenia announced on June 17 that if the customs war intensified it would employ its own customs officials , but it reportedly backed down after a threat of direct action by the FEC .
60 Then I er decided I 'd take my midwifery .
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