Example sentences of "[verb] [pers pn] that [prep] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Although the people who built this temple have long since vanished , legend has it that during certain summer full moons the wild elephants arrive to roister amongst the ruins .
2 Local folklore has it that in prehistoric times men drove wild cattle to their deaths over Combe Scar and ate them where they fell at the foot of the crag ( cattle bones are reputed to have been found there ) .
3 The old cliché has it that in hard times pop culture goes soft , entertainment becomes more trivial , more ‘ escapist ’ .
4 The Committee of London Clearing Bankers told us that in recent years the banks have been opening an increasing number of accounts for customers in the middle to lower income groups .
5 Now , Azmaveth had told him that in other academies , conditions were very different .
6 I advise him that with unlimited spending , with arbitrary revaluations , with a rates proposal that goes back to 1973 —
7 Despite the cataclysmic statistics the demographers throw at us , families in many parts of Africa today will tell you that at certain times of the year they suffer from a severe labour shortage .
8 ‘ It strikes me that in new clothes you could be highly presentable .
9 The chemistry department had a strong reputation in carbohydrate chemistry , and the story had it that as new sugars were discovered they were given names that always ended in ‘ -ose ’ — eg sucrose , glucose , fructose etc .
10 When Marsh was dumped it did not concern him that as Australian captain anything he said or did might be misconstrued or magnified many times over .
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