Example sentences of "[verb] [pers pn] also [vb infin] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Let us also suppose that serious injuries inflicted by hawks cost D points .
2 While we remember those involved in medical missionary work overseas , let us also remember those who are currently in training to go overseas for the first time .
3 Do you also remember another New Testament scholar at Manchester who flipped and declared that the word ‘ Jesus ’ was really a code for a sacred mushroom and the Bible was a do-it-yourself manual for getting as high as the stars without leaving your body ?
4 Are the competing views purely academic debates , or do they also reflect wider social interests ?
5 He was seeing the evidence left by America 's policy of intervention , and , having just been told of Churchill 's agreement to Roosevelt 's demand for bases rights in Trinidad , found himself posing the question ; ‘ if Haiti 's isolation , poverty and tyranny after independence represented one lesson to West Indian colonials ’ , did it also pose another , … ‘ that West Indian colonials were destined to graduate from European colonialism to American ? ’
6 Does he also admit that for the first time in the history of the national health service , waiting lists for day patients and in-patients combined have risen above 900,000 people ?
7 Does he also agree that to brand such investment as ’ sweatshops ’ is a grave affront to the employees of those companies ?
8 Does he also agree that what Yorkshire as a whole needs to restart the economy is low tax , low inflation and another Conservative Government ?
9 Does he also agree that , although the violence of the provisional IRA and others who claim with no legitimacy to speak for the Irish people as a whole , is sickening , it is equally disgusting , disgraceful and sickening to see those who claim to be loyal to the Unionist cause killing , tit for tat , for no reason other than that people happen to be Catholic ?
10 Does he also agree that , where he has extended the competence of the institutions of the European Community , we shall increasingly see , as we have seen in relation to Sunday trading and British Aerospace , the emergence of two forms of law — first , British law , which we encourage the population to obey and honour , and , secondly , European law , which we try to avoid — and thus we shall succeed in undermining the rule of law here ?
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