Example sentences of "[verb] [pers pn] up [conj] [v-ing] " in BNC.

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1 and Alan 's started phoning me up and saying
2 She liked to spend her time with the other old people , exchanging grumbles and , as she put it , cheerin' them up and takin' them out o' themselves .
3 I suggest wiring them up and trailing them overboard to thaw .
4 If they suss out that you 're a fanatical prospector they 'll have a great time winding you up and sending you off on a series of wild goose chases .
5 Here , bacteria get to work on it , softening it up and making it ready for chewing .
6 A two-year-old motor-cruiser with a litre of two-year-old diesel in its tanks used it up while trying to separate the crashed boats , and so joined them .
7 They can be observed flitting across the pit as they attempt to swim , with the parent picking them up and spitting them back into the quivering mass .
8 They are potentially very dangerous and what we are worried about is members of the public picking them up and taking them home as souvenirs . ’
9 Nara and the twins were endlessly fascinated with the little , blind , half-bald creatures , and spent hours picking them up and playing with them .
10 " Oh , they love it when the kids are babies , dressing them up and looking after them , everybody loves babies , but it 's different when they get older , " they say .
11 Maybe Jack was rounding them up and moving them to another field .
12 Jennie then asked Katharine to come across the half diagonal in a nice , steady canter , and to imagine ‘ picking him up and putting him down again on the other leg . ’
13 He had forgotten all about arranging for a taxi to pick him up or looking up bus times or anything like that .
14 The creche staff did a fine job of picking her up and delivering her back to our chalet , so by the second week we decided to take her skiing with us .
15 A murder trial jury has been told that a teenager who was left in charge of a baby girl for a few minutes killed the child by picking her up and smashing her head against a wall .
16 ‘ I remember picking her up and playing with her , but now , although she 's friendly up to a point , she 's gradually becoming more dangerous .
17 Picking it up and pretending to do a rather elaborate waltz along the road with it , on the other hand , would be thought of as a much more creditable act of hooliganism .
18 Cos I remember , I remember picking it up and reading it , I was out in the garden at the time .
19 And after several attempts to break the shell open by picking it up and dropping it onto the rocks , well that did n't work , so the bird picked it up and then from a about a height of twenty feet it dropped it onto the rocks below .
20 Yeah , this guy comes home from work and his wife 's got the chair and she 's picking it up and taking it around like this
21 ‘ This is for you , ’ he said , picking it up and offering it to her .
22 Ten-year-old Luke Johnson dug it up and thinking it was ‘ dead ’ , planned to take it home as an ornament .
23 They just drive round perhaps driving it parking it up and having a walk
24 But it wo n't be arriving there until they get this Well they have the C D ROM , they just have n't got it up and running .
25 Although I keep pulling it up and throwing it in the dustbin , it keeps coming back .
26 But she 's more organised than these lads you see , whatever the duties are you know , she 's got hers up and running and whereas they 're still a bit you know have n't got it going as well as she has .
27 ‘ I was chubby even as a baby and it was n't helped as a child by the fact that my mum believed in always feeding me up and rewarding everything with sweets .
28 She kept calling me up and following us around .
29 Get her up and going , .
30 Yeah I know it 's well again , you know , kind of once you can see , once you can see what 's wrong with it rather than just sort of , you know , screwing it up and throwing it away , you know kind of if you can use that as a basis for , for , you know , kind of putting more of the stuff in that makes it look a bit more academic
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