Example sentences of "[verb] [pers pn] have [adv] [vb pp] " in BNC.

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1 I do n't think I have ever hit ‘ The Wall ’ and I try not to go out too fast .
2 I do n't think I have ever seen her so happy .
3 ‘ I do n't think I have ever seen anything like that anywhere even when I was a solicitor , ’ Mr Gerry Harty told Armagh Magistrate 's Court .
4 I do n't think I have ever met a more phlegmatic man .
5 ‘ I do n't think I have ever taken a really big decision in my life , ’ Mr Hobbs said .
6 I do n't think I have ever encountered anyone who claimed to use Clipper for fun !
7 He looked at me , calmly threw his jacket into the car and then launched into what I can only describe as the most unbelievable martial arts display I have ever seen .
8 The hot garlic butter sauce poured over the snails obviously has a lot to do with the success of the dish , but to those who say that that is all you taste I have always protested that the soft , salty flesh of the snail is very much part of the enjoyment .
9 They say I have only flirted with a temporary vice and its vice-keeper and , having survived them both , I am still me and I am no junkie .
10 Can you not trace where the pony came from , you say you have recently purchased it ?
11 What 's the strangest place you have ever woken to find yourself on a Sunday morning ?
12 In the fine structure proposed we have only found a tendency towards the B II state ( with ε-ζ values of roughly -30° compared to -90° in B I and +90° in B II ) .
13 Given that in the harmonisation process we have already got rid of the half crown and of the threepenny bit , what is the emotional difficulty about changing the pound coin to the ecu ?
14 Some say we have already crossed it .
15 I mean our motion you can do with it what you will but like I say we have actually aimed to actually get something which recognises all party support for the Children Act and recognises concern about the funding .
16 The periphery refers to practically anywhere ( including the mainstream and ‘ quality ’ press we have already looked at ) that oppositional or , as is more likely , alternative criticism might occur .
17 The two say they have already begun joint marketing activities in the US , France , Germany , the UK and Australia .
18 However health officers say they have already slashed the waiting list and that children now face a maximum eight-week delay .
19 One year after its inception , the members of the Precision RISC Organisation supporters ' club say they have successfully built and delivered a new business model for industry consortia , Hewlett-Packard Co reports .
20 GEORGIA 'S democrats say they have finally defeated the armed supporters of ousted President Zviad Gamsakhurdia and can now concentrate on rebuilding the country under Mr Eduard Shevardnadze , the former Soviet Foreign Minister .
21 Lotus say they have greatly improved their Mermaid pond pumps while Cyprio 's UVC s can be used on ponds or as anti bacterial systems on tanks .
22 They say they have never heard anything like it .
23 They say they have never encountered any problems in being an all-female firm ; if anything , they find that a lot of their male clients find it easier to talk to a woman about their finances .
24 To charges that this is too much of a good thing , the BBC say they have always given the World Championship around 70 hours and the audience figures remain high .
25 Ministers say they have deliberately avoided ‘ sounding triumphal ’ about the BMA 's backdown to avoid rekindling the controversy .
26 The other possible way of answering your question is to think in terms of having a large project in which you would write a whole series of poems that would add up into a book , which as it happens I have just done , since I have just published a book of poems which are all retellings of bible stories , and there the subjects quite clearly came from the outside , though I mean unless they latch onto something inside you they wo n't make poems .
27 She says I have just bought this pram from a jumble sale and I am thinking I may use it as a flower pot and maybe make some model babies out of flowers .
28 Mike Morley says I have always refuted that allegation and I still do .
29 It was something which I do n't feel I have totally resolved in myself now .
30 So far I have discussed the different criminologies of the previous two centuries with little reference to the problem of the concept of ‘ crime ’ itself : Worse , I have sometimes used ‘ crime ’ and ‘ deviance ’ interchangeably — though I hope I have only done this where the argument has happened to apply equally to both .
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