Example sentences of "[verb] [pers pn] with [adj] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 The SEC 's case , according to BASF finance director Max Dietrich Kley , is that the chemical giant 's figures understate profits , making it difficult for investors to compare them with those of other concerns .
2 The society will consider carrying out a survey of solicitors ' charges for conveyancing to compare them with those of competitors here and with professions in other countries .
3 ‘ I go to many stately homes and museums but the library is what really supplies me with most of the things I get , ’ said Mrs Lamport , who started with the Dictionary of National Biography , Burke 's Peerage , and other books on notable families .
4 So I er carried on with what they found me with this in the brew house and then er where did I go from there ?
5 He must be ready to speculate , for the sources ( in this case the chronicles and records of government which provide him with much of his material ) do not always come up to expectation .
6 Such passages did little damage , however , compared with those in which again and again he would use these occasions to exalt the status of the King by equating it with that of the kings of Israel .
7 These survivors , and their many descendants , provide us with one of the most versatile of tree fruits .
8 The huge conglomerates that assemble on such occasions provide us with some of the greatest spectacles in the animal world .
9 Last December they were instrumental in getting rid of Mr Gaidar and replacing him with one of those industrialists .
10 You must have seen her with one of them .
11 It failed to strike me immediately , and I questioned the judges ' decision — replacing it with one of the entries to the three veneers class .
12 It 's a well-designed demo , which almost leaves the screen empty , filling it with some of the best routines around .
13 Er I mean if I if I try and cover it with one of our professional salesmen ,
14 Conversation can also provide them with one of the most effective means for trying out ideas and modifying them in the light of the feedback received .
15 If you do n't want to steer the craft yourself , Mike and Lindy will provide you with one of their own boatmen .
16 ‘ I 'm going to ask you questions , Madeleine , and every time you answer no , I shall adorn you with one of these pegs .
17 ‘ I 've had it with all of you . ’
18 ‘ A senior police officer and a police surgeon , both very pleasant and helpful , admitted that in their courting days they had indeed persevered and had sexual intercourse despite protests from the women they were with ; an actor asked in fascination how it could possibly be called rape if a woman had gone so far before protesting ; a dentist [ stated ] ‘ I have had it with dozens of women against their will .
19 Pleonasm Kick it with one of your feet .
20 Here , in the 103/4 , a much more extended frequency range is reproduced by supplementing it with one of KEF 's other major innovations , the coupled-cavity woofer system .
21 What we 'd like you to do and to consider , and I 'll come on to replacement soon , is to consider supplementing it with one of these types of locks .
22 Harold Evans clearly had seen the List and regaled me with some of its more unlikely names .
23 Try to put them with one of their friends .
24 He threatened me with this throughout the examination period and until the day I actually left home .
25 Taken as a whole , it appears relatively standardized , particularly if one compares it with that in the USA .
26 Travis was quick to deny it with one of his charming smiles .
27 This provided the opportunity for the members of the committee to see something of the rural development problems and programmes in Lewis and Harris , and discuss them with some of those working on them .
28 Ali is not up to repartee these days , never was , really , unless he was in the mood , and them he 'd fade you with one of his standard lines ( ‘ You no as dumb as you look ’ ) .
29 The Shah 's own household had provided him with one of the major problems of his reign .
30 But the Pharisees would have provided him with some of his most loyal and fervent followers , and would have been among the first to regard him as the Messiah .
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