Example sentences of "[verb] [pers pn] [is] that the " in BNC.

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1 What astonishes me is that the whole subject of injury from radiation seems to have been treated at the time with a casualness that approaches imbecility .
2 The only thing , the only thing that worries me is that the thing gets priority .
3 Now the thing that worries me is that the N R A and our linkage with them is I do n't think it 's early days for them and they have n't got the the power and the erm law behind them to enforce it as the way which I think most of us would like to think of have a erm erm an organization tha that can in fact start bringing the law in that if people fail to do what they say erm so that aspect I think I now Chris also mentioned this erm tilting in West Sussex and again that mentioned in the structure plan , because I six mill a year but in ten years that 's two and a half inches .
4 The best answer that I can give him is that the fact that Mr. Thorpe had available to him the escape route of appealing to a health authority elsewhere in the country meant that the process was not carried to its conclusion in north Devon .
5 What concerns me is that the vast majority are not coming to enjoy the Park but are using the roads as convenient thoroughfares .
6 What Odd-Knut has not told him is that the water under the ice is pressurized , and it wells up out of the hole .
7 The main shift as he sees it is that the service has become cash limited overnight .
8 To go back to ‘ Beowulf : the Monsters and the Critics ’ : if this makes one thing clear it is that the literary quality Tolkien valued above all was the ‘ impression of depth … effect of antiquity … illusion of historical truth and perspective ’ which he found in Beowulf , in the Aeneid , or for that matter in Macbeth , Sir Orfeo , or the Grimms ' Fairy Tales .
9 If parliamentary self-government is the essence of British liberty , the condition upon which we enjoy it is that the United Kingdom is politically distinct and separate .
10 There will be a more intensive look at this problem later , but for now all that concerns us is that the job security component of the company loyalty is reflected at national level in official unemployment rates .
11 And what they have told us is that the first body was too far decomposed to be very helpful .
12 It may simply be said that what is needed for two events to be cause and effect as we understand them is that the probability of the second , given the first , is higher than the probability of the second , given the absence of the first .
13 What they do n't tell you is that the price of those meals may be artificially inflated .
14 If there is a change in attitude , then I think it is that the young of Britain are now more outward looking not only towards Europe , but the wider world too .
15 We are very grateful for their support and their continued interest in our programme and I think they were er conscious of the fact that Vice President Pandolfi was coming here and so they have contacted him saying how essential they think it is that the work should continue here .
16 ‘ The next thing you will be telling me is that the moon is made of green cheese , ’ Blake snarled .
17 One point that may help you is that the lower the potency the more frequently it is likely to need repeating .
18 What I really wrote to tell you is that the Ballet Club Committee says that the Scarlet Woman must be changed — so please do two new designs for me to choose from — and help me !
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