Example sentences of "[verb] [pers pn] [is] not [vb pp] " in BNC.

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1 It wo n't hurt her a bit if another dog growls at her , as it will make her realise she is not considered top dog by them .
2 We may also include in discourse deixis a number of other ways in which an utterance signals its relation to surrounding text , e.g. utterance-initial anyway seems to indicate that the utterance that contains it is not addressed to the immediately preceding discourse , but to one or more steps back .
3 The last boy says he 's not impressed because he does n't like vegetables .
4 A way round this hearsay evidence is for the officer to say ‘ The passenger Mr. Jones says he is not licensed to drive this car so I am reporting you ( the defendant ) for quitting a vehicle ’ etc .
5 But he says he is n't hurt by gay slurs .
6 Er yes Mr Chairman , I mean I assume this thing gives us a fairly embryonic stage , I hope it 's not intended in any way as a finished article , it seems to me in many cases er a state into the obvious er I 'd hope that our employees would be polite people , erm you know this is a great step forward to putting down on a paper , I do n't know , but I mean
7 You have as much responsibility to see she 's not abandoned as I do .
8 Look it 's not cooked is it ?
9 Algae and other weed in the canal shows it is not used too often and some patches grow right across although it is not hard to paddle through them and the lengths of wood and other floating debris .
10 How they actually manage it is not revealed and so it is highly suitable for family viewing .
11 Er so I suspect it 's not worked out quite as we intended er and it I mean the main problem is that it 's it 's it 's cost us time , cost me time which I would rather have spent on something else but there we are .
12 And the who 's going to do it is not determined until a couple of days before either party knows .
13 The only , the only other thing I mean , the other thing which occurs in my mind and you know , as you know it is n't thought through and I want to look at what statistics are now available is I mean the question of increasing shortage of good product .
14 I was going to say that , I mean if we do do that why do n't we move to a position when , I know it 's not finalized yet , the P As do the twenty six fives , and we try and adapt Sarah to do the whole s the whole of the four sub teams , ma maybe the threshold has to come down a bit , but but at least we 've got some sort of parity of working throughout
15 I know it 's not called Have a Shave .
16 ‘ I know it 's not stolen property .
17 I know it 's not melted .
18 Erm I know he 's not seen anyone for thirteen years but did , did it just come through the post , sign here , send it back
19 Let's hope it is not wasted .
20 Apart from this final item — a charge which District Audit assure me is not made by most other banks and which was not made by yourselves in previous years — I have been very happy with the standard of service provided by Natwest Bank .
21 What I said about him saying he 's not changed any ?
22 summer , I suppose it 's not meant for summer cos it 's got long sleeves .
23 I think the number of er er ex I think the fact that this is merely an exception a major exceptions policy that deals only with exceptional cases and the the Humberside structure plan refers to possibly once or twice over a planned period erm might er indicate it 's not intended to open to subvert section fifty four A.
24 we do n't really need to go any further because we 've found it 's not balanced but we just for completeness , how many Cs on this side ?
25 One of the things that does strike me about er particularly heterosexual men and their attitudes to homosexual and y'know homo erotic activities , there 's y'know a lot of different aspects where y'know I do n't know rugby players all get in the shower together and smack each-other on the backside in the name of horse play and y'know it 's not considered threatening or erm or outrageous and yet sometimes these are the very people who are the most homophobic .
26 ‘ I 'ope 'e 's not burned bad , ’ she muttered anxiously .
27 New Level , a white and black son of Murlens Slippy , took part in last year 's Wimbledon event when only a pup , but Johnston obviously feels he is not suited to the tight London circuit .
28 ‘ I 'ope it 's not damaged permanent , ’ she said , ‘ I do n't know what I 'd do if I 'ad more 'ard luck and found I could n't ever walk again . ’
29 They can only hopes it 's not repeated in the Commons .
30 And it is not it is not fixed it is not fixed or in geological terms , petrified .
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