Example sentences of "[verb] [pers pn] [is] [adj] for " in BNC.

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1 Another thing about smoking , although nobody 's denying it 's bad for you , is the fact is that , it 's overwhelming the core of women who smoke , who also have worst diets , they also tend to have worse stress , it 's used as a very convenient scapegoat .
2 But then I really do n't know it 's right for me to be helping you with such dubious assignations . ’
3 Yes I do know it 's bad for my health as a matter of fact , that 's why I like it .
4 I expect it 's hard for them to find their feet on these shifting sands . ’
5 Some say it is good for the Prime Minister to mix with the crowd and others that for a Prime Minister it is less than dignified .
6 Senior sources say it is appropriate for Whitbread to move away from being a family-dominated group , saddled with an arcane share structure , in 1992 , its 250th anniversary .
7 They say it is unjust for the publicans and bad for the pubs .
8 Professor Alan Smithers and Pamela Robinson , of Manchester University , say it is vital for Britain 's economic future that more young people are persuaded to stay at school after 16 .
9 They say it 's good for children to grow up with pets around them .
10 But the Mohammedians say it 's impossible for Jesus to be the son of God because did n't have a wife , and it 's as simple That 's ex that 's exactly how the Islamics view it .
11 An inquest has been told how an elderley man died from the treatment he was taking for his athletes foot.John Ellis took a revolutionary new drug for his condition , after years of suffering.But within a couple of months , he died from liver failure.But the makers of the drug say it 's safe for most people , and it wo n't be withdrawn.Chris Moore reports .
12 With all these people formally involved it is easy for one group to lose touch or fall behind with information from other groups , and in some cases numbers become unwieldy and the investigators start tripping over each other and duplicating effort .
13 She says she 's good for another 10 years , even though she 's 39 .
14 When that happens it is rare for the band to win the resulting battle and emerge unscathed .
15 He says he 's sorry for the families .
16 A north Oxfordshire G P , who was on Edward 's Heath recent mercy mission to Iraq , says he 's concerned for the health of hostages still held in the Gulf as the tension in the region begins to mount .
17 Now the Professor , who 's originally from Austria says he 's worried for his safety .
18 But he says he is unavailable for New Zealand , at least until the World Cup .
19 He says it 's great for the village .
20 The hospital says it 's sorry for the delays which health watchdogs say are appalling .
21 Harriet says it 's unusual for chess to make the front pages of the papers , in spite of the fact that she 's been on the front page of The Times .
22 Even though it says it 's free for you to do it , they 'll still ring up another number
23 The council initiating the scheme says it 's important for residents to have someone who is n't official to talk to .
24 And he says you can because he says it 's important for it to be a living thing that 's got to change with the time .
25 When addressing the problem of Germany 's pre-eminent economic power , he either just says it is good for Europe or he says , ‘ I think our neighbours should overcome the tendency to think in terms of nation-states ’ , while the same thought is expressed by one academic : ‘ in many ways , it no longer makes sense to talk about Germany as a distinct national unit ’ .
26 The council , backing the " polluter must pay " argument , says it is unfair for householders to bear the brunt of the cost ; a tax should be levied on pesticide manufacturers , it argues , and motorists should pay for road drainage through the car licence duty .
27 To say this would be to deny the universality of what Professor A. J. Ayer says it is natural for us to assume , namely that we use the same word in different situations because we have noticed a distinctive common feature .
28 He says it is natural for an artist to be concerned with the environment , as he 's exposed to it so often when working outside .
29 When their control is threatened it is possible for them to obtain relief by displacing a prominently misbehaving pupil .
30 A local bobby who 's helped to halve car crime on a council estate has decided he 's ready for the challenge of another beat .
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