Example sentences of "[verb] [pers pn] [to-vb] [pron] [is] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ It 's my birthday , and she does n't want me to know she 's unhappy , ’ thought Bobbie .
2 Parents may be confronting their children repeatedly demanding them to do what is asked and find that this produces immense negative emotional reactions : temper tantrums or complete refusal to co-operate are common .
3 Fact is , I do n't want them to see what 's going on in the next few hours .
4 I very much hope that they are engaged in the work and committed to it , but I do n't want them to believe it 's real ; and the word involvement to me implies an inability to stand apart from the role-playing .
5 a ) Heres that book you asked me to bring ( The fact that you asked me to bring it is not new. ) b ) Ive got to take the dog for a walk ( ‘ For a walk ’ is by far the most probable thing to follow ‘ I 've got to take the dog ’ ; if the sentence ended with ‘ to the vet ’ the tonic syllable would probably be ‘ vet ’ . )
6 No , it should be a permanent link , and er the calls will be er supported by the National Asthma Campaign and , as I said , it 's particularly er useful to newly diagnosed asthmatics in helping them to understand what 's happening to them and obtain advice , er .
7 ‘ It angers me to think he is still on remand . ’
8 A : What you want me to tell you is how I , victim of a class-ridden society , managed to escape the long side streets of the outer suburbs and reach the shores of academia .
9 Well plus plus the fact that erm it 's not that you have n't got one , or it 's not that we 'd need you to drive it 's that you 're denying us the privilege of being able to send you .
10 ‘ Now you know I 've no right to be here , ’ she said , ‘ I want you to know what 's waiting for me if ever I get taken back .
11 Now I do n't want you to extract this , I , but I want you to know it 's there , because it has a , a specific purpose , which you will come on to later .
12 Erm , the next bit of , that I want you to find which is the address and telephone section , that also , I 'd like you to put at the front of the active binder .
13 We want it to show it is interested in addressing that . ’
14 And of course your parents not wanting you to do something is merely putting out a fire with gasoline .
15 Really what I 'm wanting you to tell me is how normal is that and
16 This new dating agency allows HER to check she 's not being paired with the Incredible Hulk and he can make sure that he is n't getting a real-life Grotbags .
17 Suffice it to say there is now a branch of Suit & co .
18 ‘ I would n't want you to think it 's all one way , ’ he resumed uncertainly .
19 ‘ You 'd like me to say he 's my fence , would n't you ?
20 Well , I 'd like you to know it is n't true .
21 ‘ Few human geographers seem willing to come out of their national shells and take the wider view which would enable them to understand what is going on within their own countries ’ ( Thrift , 1986 , 62 ) .
22 However , making consumers aware of the process of creating a ‘ whole ’ quality product is one thing , getting them to purchase it is another and one major retailer has asked Dirk to investigate the production of a ‘ smooth ’ yoghurt .
23 ‘ I like you to know what 's going on .
24 Well anything , you never know you know , get him to say he 's jealous of er David Jason 's success or you know .
25 You 'll get the reporters , the TV , the media all intruding into your private life asking you to explain what 's going on .
26 A trip down memory lane or a sentimental reunion will give you great pleasure and allow you to say what 's in your heart without feeling self-conscious .
27 ‘ Why , since you allow us to share what is in your sack , did you not allow those others ? ’
28 Anticipating his future power unit needs and helping him to achieve them is the key to tomorrow 's survival in OEM industries hard pressed by recession and overseas competition .
29 This led him to believe what is now scientifically substantiated , that sex is an integral part of the being from birth .
30 Then , the mist dissipates to allow them to see what is below .
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