Example sentences of "[verb] [pers pn] [coord] i [adv] " in BNC.

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1 They said well , they asked me and I just could n't refuse
2 My GP visited me and I still have the drawing he did of the cancer they had found in my kidney .
3 People that I have known through the years in the music business always knew where to find me and I never moved address .
4 And then they say , Well the guy he 's next door I do n't know him but I just thought I 'd put him on .
5 They never found him and I often wondered whether he went in with his machine and dead gunner or whether he managed to bale out and was picked up by the flyingboat they had stationed in Sicily for sea rescue work . ’
6 Harry junior said : ‘ I knew the ex-pats here would buy it but I never dreamed it would be so popular with the Chinese .
7 I should have reported it but I never bothered . ’
8 I believed him and I still do .
9 Yeah yeah well I 've done it and I just want to check with you that what we 've done is right and then I can er
10 nothing since last August and my husband keeps saying oh I must stay in and do it , I must stay in and do it and I just do n't !
11 I do n't want to be tied , I want to leave my options free so that I can do whatever I want , I do n't need the extra responsibility , I mean I 'd like them but I just , I want my career first .
12 He said now he 's telling everybody he said that er I ai n't ever paid him and I still owe him the money .
13 I read it and I just went what ! for a start and then
14 I could remember it but I just could n't say now whether the police were stopped in their tracks .
15 Using the Amiga Five Hundred okay , er stripped it down , I sampled it and I actually made a song , a complete song , and it 's finished okay ?
16 And I I ca n't understand it and I still have n't got to the bottom of the reason why is doing , seems to me to be doing a lot of work herself
17 Yeah , and I usually consid I mean do n't like it but I usually think it 's reasonably safe
18 Mum followed them and I too decided to find Frankie to tell him the news after I had cleared away the crocks .
19 He said that we admire Matisse much more than we know him and I really think that is still true .
20 well suited or well fitted with the , with the stuff that , you know , you 've , you 've got erm I mean that 's probably the best way to do it and I also find actually trying to write things sh myself shows up the holes in arguments , shows up the bits that you need yet to fill in sort of thing
21 I remember the teacher showing me in school , as well , how to do it and I just , I ca n't remember
22 As I said , I 'd no idea he was the one who was threatening me and I simply thought I was well shot of him , quite frankly . ’
23 I needed them as much as they needed me and I happily took the rough with the smooth .
24 When sleep threatens to take him from me yet another time , I remind Crilly of a line from the film Drugstore Cowboy , in which the heroine says , ‘ You never fuck me and I always have to drive ’ .
25 ‘ All these years I 've known her and I never realised what a nasty temper she has , ’ said Rose .
26 I loved it and I honestly feel it did me an enormous amount of good in calming my mind and making my body more supple ( although as a Christian I do n't practise meditative yoga ) .
27 No I do n't want him but I still think he 's quite nice I mean
28 ‘ I liked him the moment I met him but I never dreamed we 'd end up like this .
29 I liked him when I met him and I still like him now .
30 ‘ I did n't think we had any chance of catching him but I just kept shoving and shouting and he got there in the end , ’ said Antoinette .
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