Example sentences of "[verb] [pers pn] [adv] [is] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 In fact , there 's an adjustment on those is n't there that enables you to slide them forward is n't there ?
2 The rink 's owners say it simply is n't making money — the clubs that use it are trying to form a consortium to keep it open .
3 ‘ But one place it certainly is n't going is through that door . ’
4 The prejudice against saying or writing she generically is extremely strong , and the habit of saying he deeply ingrained .
5 ‘ I told you there is n't much time .
6 She can not do this , pleading that surely loving him now is enough , but this does not fit into Gatsby 's dream and he can not accept this , ‘ his dream must have seemed so close that he could hardly fail to grasp it ’ , but it was he , himself , who finally stood in the way of fulfilment .
7 It would probably have been easier to create the actor first and then paste its image onto the background , but the way I 've done it here is n't difficult to do .
8 The specification of each of these processors as well as a control system to combine them intelligently is currently far beyond any expectations .
9 And I owe you five so that 's thirty pence you owe me now is n't it ?
10 What 's worrying me now is how to tell Helen .
11 But what chiefly concerns me here is simply the amount of time needed for what we know to have happened in the geological past if we can only postulate " normal processes " .
12 ‘ And I 've told you there is n't any more information I can give you at the moment . ’
13 Going it alone is often a matter of pride and does no one a service .
14 ‘ People have tried to make it sound complicated and sophisticated but pulling it together is really just hard work involving a lot of discussion , ’ said Robert Ure , associate director with Sedgwick in Scotland .
15 But what gets me most is when somebody dies who has n't really lived .
16 In this case what keeps them apart is not belonging to the same sex , rather , it is simply a condition of life that in no human relationship can two persons ‘ fuse ’ into one .
17 ‘ And I can assure you there is n't a hope in hell of getting access .
18 Whilst your forthcoming weekend will naturally provide you with the ideal opportunity to discover at first hand the delights of owning your own Highland retreat , I can assure you there is absolutely no commitment .
19 And er you know , it 's lovely really to see them and to think they remember you still is n't it .
20 So , for example , the lecture I 'm going to give you today is n't reflected at all in Arnold erm so er I think it 'd be helpful if I were to give you some indication of when there were and when there were n't .
21 ‘ I tell you there is n't the slightest risk ! ’
22 ‘ If she was wearing it there 's always the chance that someone recognised its true value , and it was stolen . ’
23 yeah , well it looks through erm need to use it soon is n't it ?
24 You know it just is n't that simple .
25 ‘ WHAT surprises me now is not that my generation had so little sex in the 1950s , but that , given the circumstances , we had any at all ’ — Sir Peter Hall .
26 Although no-one brought anything back to be replaced , it can happen it just is n't funny if a trick lighter fails to squirt water after all .
27 Doing it tidily is always the thing is n't it ?
28 No there is actually a very formal way of doing it though is n't there ?
29 This is used mainly where tantrums are severe and where it is felt that stopping them altogether is too big a first step .
30 What bothers me ultimately is not the tempos in themselves , but the sense that the driving force resides exclusively within the music .
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