Example sentences of "[verb] [pers pn] [modal v] be at " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Why did you think I 'd be at Julius 's London flat ? ’
2 ‘ I expect she will be at Jeffrey 's party , ’ said Major .
3 Drug users say they could be at increased risk from AIDS after a decision to stop giving them free clean syringes .
4 It 's expected he 'll be at the hearing tomorrow .
5 If disaster strikes , such as a flood or a burst pipe , you can guarantee it will be at the most inconvenient time .
6 If the postman knocks on the door to delivery the only parcel you 've received in the past three years , you can guarantee it will be at just before eight on the first Saturday morning you 've had a chance to have a proper lie in for months .
7 ‘ I hope you 'll be at the funeral , ’ said Viola in her grand way , as if it were her show and there 'd be cocktails afterwards .
8 Ruby had said she would be at the office again next morning by which time she expected Rain to have found something more profitable for her than keys .
9 Obviously , if two objects are physically connected they must be at about the same distance from us , and yet many of these Arp associations include objects with redshifts that ‘ ought ’ to place them far apart along the line of sight .
10 Richard Ford , who 's fourteen has speech and learning difficulties , and the local council says he should be at a special school .
11 John Sluggett , who farms near Probus , mid-Cornwall , says he will be at least a week before starting on winter barley .
12 To complete the political picture , Liberal Democrat candidate Nigel Jones says he will be at the dinner , but will voice his objections .
13 So Janet , your question , which is not as I in , intimated it might be at all , so you , you can be well annoyed , erm , if you 're setting up a , a joint life policy with waiver premium on both people , and the wife is fifty one , and the husband is forty , how much will be deducted from their units according to waiver of premiums ?
14 ‘ I 've promised I 'd be at the Queen 's Hall by eight o'clock .
15 Swimming is regarded as one of the best all-round forms of exercise , but a survey by the Institution of Environmental Health Officers shows you could be at risk from stomach upsets and skin rashes if you take a dip in dirty public swimming pools .
16 Two lights are mounted so that when the beams meet he 'll be at just the right height .
17 Two lights are mounted so that when the beams meet he 'll be at just the right height .
18 I do n't think , I do n't think we 'll be at the air field tomorrow .
19 After they were finally discovered to be there , the minister pleaded for them to be allowed to stay the night , and guaranteed they would be at the Children 's Panel Hearing in Kirkwall the next day .
20 If she smiles it will be at your hairline .
21 But he fears it could be at the expense of star turn Byrne .
22 ‘ I suppose you will be at the exhibition opening on Monday ? ’
23 It 's feared they may be at risk of suffering the effects of exposure to a toxic chemical involved in an accident between junctions fifteen and sixteen of the motorway earlier today .
24 Okay erm I 've got , I just thought I 'd , might just let you know that the , the end result figure that , that , on the recruitment front , they reckon they 'll be at twenty three hundred by the end of the year .
25 For , according to Moore , to say that an action would be right is to say that the total results of doing it would be at least as good as would be those of doing any alternative .
26 Any potential parent who thinks they may be at risk of HIV infection should consider being counselled and tested before conceiving .
27 I felt she would be at home in an arena with starving lions .
28 ‘ Your Grace , I thought you would be at Windsor ? ’
29 ‘ I thought you 'd be at the flat in London .
30 I thought you 'd be at band last night .
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