Example sentences of "[verb] [pers pn] [adv] and [adv] " in BNC.

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1 Now take your concentration to your hands , make fists and squeeze them together and then let them go .
2 And you really have to see them before and after .
3 Standing on the corpses they laugh and joke , holding the bodies of the babies over their heads like trophies , pitching them back and forth like footballs . ’
4 Er alt , turns them on and off , yes it did , it does it then
5 What turns them on and off ?
6 I says the only thing is I says I bring them in and then finishing is closed .
7 ‘ That meant we had to send two trains up in the morning and bring them back and then two more in the afternoon and bring them back .
8 He kept seeing them over and over in his mind , like an action replay of a not very good football match that only showed the goals .
9 We hear endlessly of Rodrigo taking various fortified cities and castles — only to lose them later and often in a matter of months .
10 Now I got one lot of fruit juices and I said to go and get some more and there were six empty on the thing then I chucked them in and then there were another six empty like .
11 Load them up and then t take them to the heap and ready for off again to the market .
12 However , most of us have very ordinary windows and want to know how to treat them well and interestingly for the least possible expense .
13 Once the cement had set , both filters were placed on their bases and 2″ domestic plastic plumbing line was used to connect them together and also to connect the large filter to the new pond .
14 Although the outskirts of the forest were carpeted with pine-needles , Kāli led me higher and deeper into the trees .
15 ‘ You got me fair and square , ’ I told him .
16 They must then choose their wave again to carry them out and up with the swell so they can seize the ropes dangling from the platform .
17 It seems to me she makes all the rules and I 'm expected just to carry them out and still be responsible .
18 We do n't have chips very often , I make them now and again , I have n't bought any chip shop chips for some time , we 're having some Friday , cos er Eileen rang up Derek to say they were coming and said tell mum not to get anything ready we 'll bring her some fish and chips .
19 Olivia , who likes her sleep , soon developed a great loathing for our morning visitors , but all her efforts to drive them away and apart had little success , and spectacularly failed to calm the passions of the energetically copulating birds .
20 He revived the legend of the prophecy of Jayabhaya ( reigned 1135 — 57 ) who foretold that the Pringi ( Feringhi , Europeans ) would conquer Java but that ‘ the prince of Kling ’ would send armies to drive them out and then , after five years , ‘ return to his own country ’ .
21 In her study of young Asian men and women who were unemployed , Brah notes that sons with widowed mothers felt under particular pressure to support them financially and practically , and when unemployment made it impossible for them to do so they felt ‘ an acute sense of failure ’ as one of her interviewees put it ,
22 But if you do have any questions , please get in touch with your branch and we will answer them quickly and clearly .
23 They are shunted from one set of rails to another ; turn-tables spin them round until they can be run upon any particular line ; by means of capstans and ropes the loaded trucks are warped this way or that ; and tank engines push them hither and thither .
24 I want you to promise me here and now that you will not see Gary Oliver again . ’
25 Her mouth sought his again and again as they broke for breath .
26 Cement them together and then leave them to dry and them er left them to dry until the till they they get dried you see .
27 As you do this , silently count three cards from the top of the pack , place them together and slightly indent them so you can see the comer of the third card just enough to know its value .
28 Then the pack of zander went through the swim and as they went by I took fish of 6lb 8oz , 8lb0oz , 8lb 6oz , 5lb 15oz and l0lb 11oz as fast as I could reel them in and then they were gone .
29 ‘ I want them in and out of here as quickly as possible .
30 The owner , a posh woman with a hairstyle like an upright honeycomb , looks me up and down and only drawls , ‘ It 's very expensive . ’
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