Example sentences of "[verb] [pers pn] [adv] [prep] some " in BNC.

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1 It did n't matter how innovative the products I set out to market actually were , I could not prevent myself from seeing them already in some illimitable bazaar of the far future , long obsolete and hopelessly dated , so much cosmological car-boot-sale fodder .
2 and caught them out with some incisive breaks .
3 His tone suggested he 'd caught her out in some minor misdemeanour , Loretta thought angrily — putting penny coins in a parking meter , or dodging fares on the underground .
4 Send her off with some traditional British recipes under her belt . ’
5 I knew he 'd fought James on it tooth and nail , and though in all honesty I felt I 'd won him round to some extent since , the prejudices remained beneath the surface of benignity , waiting only for some unwary blunder on my part to crack the surface and let them burst through .
6 At this moment she felt he had had a hand in cheating her out of some of her life , and the feeling made her coldly angry .
7 He was beginning to wonder if they were n't already softening him up for some kind of a change .
8 He heard her sigh deeply , the way she always did when he let her down in some way .
9 She could feel his light-weapon burning off her skin , charring her bones , slinging her on to some meat-heap to be reassembled from scrap .
10 You obviously have to work it out in some way , but you seem able to arrive at the answer almost instantly .
11 For example , if one branch of a lineage puts up some ‘ core land ’ ( i.e. land of substantial symbolic meaning for the lineage 's patrimony ) for sale , another branch will buy it instead of some more fertile outlying land in order to maintain intact the honour ( or symbolic capital ) of the lineage .
12 Chairman I think I have to offer an apology to members and Mr in particular and the town of Bungay with a rather erm over which sentence expressing the press release , I mean we are continually trying to issue news items , press releases , progress reports and anything we 're doing and usually the press are very good and quoted for a basis , sometimes they get it wrong and mangle it up with some bits of disaster , on this occasion that is not the case , the , the actual press report did determine the phraseology used in my in lease them so I have to accept the responsibility for the phrase to act of your recommended this morning so it down sake , could abandon ideas which they can buy it , of course those crazy ideas used in and out of the court is what matters .
13 Cycle parking is actually I wish they 'd actually pay a bit more places to actually put your bike and you did n't have to sort of tie it up to some lamppost or something
14 Since peasants who still possessed any seed reserves or livestock were excluded from relief , they were compelled to sell them off in some cases in order to survive .
15 that 's all grown from leaves , just put the leaves in water and the little shoots come on them and then I put them in after some , when they 've got their little roots on them and they grow , that 's , that 's one I 've grown from , from just leaves and one in over there in the window I 've grown from leaves .
16 ‘ Then I do hope your devotion to duty has n't made you late for some pressing engagement , ’ he added suavely .
17 Then there was the ship 's agent who made a run for it in his car , guessing we would search his house after picking him up with some uncustomed goods .
18 And , apparently , they 're going to set him up in some kind of arranged marriage . ’
19 ‘ I 've written him up for some medication to ease the headache . ’
20 She would send him off to some lecturing engagement with butter and other rations to give his hostess , and when he came back the rations would be found as a soggy mess in his pocket .
21 With about a third of a cup of milk , you mix it up with some sugar and then you put boiling water in .
22 COOK 'S NOTE : To make caraque , melt about 175g/6oz plain chocolate , then spread it thickly on some baking parchment and leave to set .
23 I found out that my friend 's games , my friend 's games but he he 's lent it out to some
24 ‘ The courtyard of a house in Delft ’ dates from the height of his career and will doubtless attract much attention from around the world ( est. £4.5–6.5 million ; $6.9–9.9 million ) although it is well-known that Christie 's have been trying to sell it privately for some time and the current estimate is regarded as quite strong .
25 The councillors loved it , and journalists filed it away for some distant future when Mr Portillo might feature in a Conservative leadership election , writes Valerie Elliott .
26 If necessary , wash it gently in some warm soapy water to remove dirt and food particles .
27 Having arranged all the larger flowers in the design , I then filled it out with some astrantia and potentilla flowers .
28 The next day he even drove us out to some local farms in his Land Rover to assess their suitability .
29 And yet , within the artificial world that the laboratory enables one to create , we can and must isolate the variables , and , if we are clever and lucky enough , we can discover how to fit them back into some meaningful real-life pattern .
30 They turn up on church doorsteps in inner London hoping that the Church will be able to help them out in some way .
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