Example sentences of "[verb] [pers pn] [adv] [prep] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Just my personal assistant bringing me up to date on some business matters , ’ he added dismissively as he walked over to the other side of the bed , picking up his slim gold watch from a small table .
2 Gently , making fun of me a little bit , bringing me back to earth .
3 ‘ Perhaps you could help Cook to wash up , ’ she suggested , bringing me down to earth with a bang .
4 For the birds , otherwise what will they have to see them through till spring ?
5 Switch on and move the appropriate levers on the banks of controllers , and the children come running out of the house , little pink-cheeked creatures half an inch high , who turn to wave at Felicity as she comes out on the terrace to see them off to school .
6 BELVILLE : Since she is apt to fall into fits or at least pretend to do so , prepare her to see me tomorrow after dinner in my mother 's closet .
7 Thirdly , there is the possibility that abnormalities judged by us to be psychotic in afunctional sense were actually due to organic brain diseases unrecognised at the time ; for reasons discussed previously this would rule them out of court for our purposes .
8 He would rule them out of necessity .
9 The receiver then decodes the numbers and turns them back into sound .
10 If it turns them off at school it will probably turn them off at university .
11 The Draft Airports ( Northern Ireland ) Order 1993 also includes measures to update legislation controlling airports in the province and bring them broadly into line .
12 Clench your fists and bring them up to shoulder height , knuckles upward , elbows at your sides .
13 She does n't avoid the painful issues that divide us — but , as few writers can , she makes us laugh at them and bring them down to size .
14 ‘ When I went to school , I were n't above eight or nine year old and I used to have to go hawking milk , as I told you , before I went to school ; and then I used to take the empty cans to school , bring them home at dinner-time .
15 So you just bring them home at lunchtime or something give him a
16 A very simple way of collecting examples of people talking is to sit them down in front of the camera and get them to talk to it .
17 Jonathon now worked on model ships under the eye of Uncle Philip and was learning how to carve them directly from wood .
18 Nenna wished to reply that it was not for the expected reasons — not pride , not resentment , not even the curious acquired characteristics of the river dwellers , which made them scarcely at home in London 's streets .
19 The big man has been in a clinic since breaking a leg against Crystal Palace last week and the only way he can join in the Reds rise is by cheering them on in front of his telly .
20 So their own minister held a service at the station , and the agent gave them a good dinner cheering them on in Gaelic , at which they wept , and they went on to settle at Moosomin , where they lived happily ever afterwards .
21 ‘ I adore you , your body drives me wild with desire , I live for the light in your eyes , my whole being lights up at the thought of you .
22 Mrs Hollidaye took off her leather gloves and laid them neatly on top of her handbag on the pew beside her , straightened her hat and unhooked a cushion which hung from a brass hook beneath the shelf .
23 The Health Education Authority advises parents to introduce fruit juices as late as possible and then to dilute them heavily with water .
24 Many are being refitted with the same smart new decor which will make them easier to spot on the high street .
25 We met them afterwards on stage .
26 Asked what concerned them most in connection with nuclear power , respondents named the possibility of accidents , human error and the storage of radioactive waste .
27 This is not as frightful as it may sound : with self-build projects the council inspectors are usually very helpful , although you should n't badger him/her relentlessly for advice , and employing reputable tradesmen should eliminate any problems with outside labour .
28 Then laid me gently in bed .
29 Mrs Brocklebank , had she been here , would no doubt have pointed them out with triumph .
30 ‘ The archbishop can not compensate me enough for slavery in Salzburg …
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