Example sentences of "[verb] [pers pn] [prep] [verb] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 After pushing our boats over into the water , we then righted them by putting all our weight on the centreboards where they poked out of the bottom of the boat .
2 Many are unfamiliar with , and suspicious of , statutory bodies , and limited command of English discourages them from using social service .
3 They should help small farmers , but not in a way that discourages them from getting larger or farming better : there must be no farming poverty trap .
4 The Payment of Wages Act allows employers to make it a condition of employment that new employees should be paid through a bank , but prohibits them from doing this with existing employees ( though of course individual existing employees can agree voluntarily to accept bank-account payment ) .
5 THE US National Association for the Advancement of Coloured People ( NAACP ) and gay groups have demanded apologies from Oliver North and several Virginia Republicans , accusing them of making derogatory jokes about blacks and homosexuals at a Republican dinner .
6 European mercenaries ruling the Comoros Islands expelled 11 foreign correspondents after seizing their notebooks , film and cassette tapes and accusing them of inciting anti-government demonstrations , said one of the reporters .
7 This would involve identifying those who could satisfy criteria or competence and reliability , and encouraging them by removing some of the administrative restrictions now applying .
8 He wanted to thank me for having such an undying belief in his footballing ability and for working tirelessly to further his career in soccer .
9 It 's more of a trick to see if we can get artistic freedom within a business structure — to see if we can create things and sell them without charging five times our cost . ’
10 You probably hate me for saying that . ’
11 I ask this council to ignore the recommendation from the housing committee and to support me in passing this amendment .
12 In this chapter , I have outlined how a distinct sociological perspective led me into asking particular questions about child abuse , some of the ways in which these questions were explored and some of the insights yielded by such an approach .
13 But my contract of employment forbids me from getting involved in contentious politics ; I do so at the risk of having a court order taken out against me .
14 The assembler does not directly offer these facilities , but it is possible to implement them by using other features of BBCBASIC(Z80) .
15 I had the uncanny feeling that the ghost of Sigmund Freud was chiding me for thinking this and she was clearly incensed that I could suggest that her father could have had any interest in religion whatsoever .
16 Pardon me for thinking they were important , pardon me for feeling beautiful and lyrical , pardon me for loving you .
17 However , the evidence that I have available points me towards exploring bad object relations because to understand these , in my view , is to engage with the troubled unconscious of individuals in industrial and other enterprises .
18 In the space of a few years , Zurich plans to complete its switch from selling standard products ( such as property , motor and accident insurance ) to anyone who will buy them to fashioning customised insurance packages for specific groups .
19 Among the solutions proposed at the conference were increased emphasis on sustainable logging and the production of finished wood products , a halt to exports of raw logs , retraining loggers and employing them on repairing damaged forests and rivers .
20 Police charged them with importing 11 prescription only medicines but later withdrew the charges when the four appeared before the Otahuhu District Court .
21 Police charged them with importing 11 prescription only medicines but later withdrew the charges when the four appeared before the Otahuhu District Court .
22 Our young men were quick-tempered , and i have had great trouble in keeping them from doing rash things .
23 This creates the dilemma illustrated in the project discussed above , of appearing to meet local needs when in fact such actions do little about the real causes of social problems and may indeed aggravate them by uprooting local leaders .
24 Erm , the final point on the shortfall of funding is as I 'm , keep emphasising , forgive me for repeating this , this is going to be year two of a four year transition .
25 I write this letter in the hope that someone will explain the errors of my ways , forgive me for mixing relativistic and Newtonian physics , and enlighten me .
26 The only thing that worries me about taking that out is that you then create a massive empty space , if you have got
27 You have to train people to become doctors or engineers or professors , and at the same time to train them in questioning all that — not only in a critical way , but I would say in a deconstructive way .
28 They tried to attract me by offering tempting morsels — one offered me a Rolls-Royce with a personalised number plate — but my loyalties belonged to John .
29 As new treatments and technologies proliferate and new needs are identified these demands escalate , but even as early as 1954 , the then Minister for Health , Enoch Powell , discovered that it became a " positive ethical duty for ( providers ) to beseige and bombard the government and force or shame them into providing more money … and then more again " ( Powell 1966 ) .
30 Still , that discovery never stopped me from making another collection of the glistening best ones that same night .
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