Example sentences of "[verb] [pers pn] [verb] that [adv] " in BNC.

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1 It also made me think that perhaps I had more control over the whole presentation generally which is my biggest concern so get up there and just do some and therefore it 's going to go on to the confidence side of it .
2 Not necessarily : ‘ I do n't think I meant that even the people who have no caveats attached implied that they knew absolutely everything in the box .
3 It was slippy though I mean I noticed that even , you know just pulling away from or something like that okay I mean it 's a reasonably car but I mean , you know just a little bit too heavy on the accelerator
4 I think that 's true what Yona says you know it it is Cos you know I the sort of the political people of the town tend to be councillors who are er men mainly and set in their ways and think that because they 've got the label councillor behind you know b front of their name that they 're they are for life you know it 's And they 're sort of respectable inverted commas members of the community and you know and I mean I hope that out of out of all this I mean it 's it 's a shame it has to happen in such a desperate situation you know because I mean none of us can really feel glad that Because to be on strike is I mean each day is is hard I 'm sure for well I mean I can only say because to be close to people on strike it 's quite a unique thing really for me and i you become so involved and close to people and you realize how hard it is for them .
5 Erm , er I 'll I 'll close it at two , but perhaps I could ask the the applicants erm , I mean I appreciate that obviously erm it er it economy in in in obviously in what you 're doing , but I think it it it would be fairly obviously to , I mean it 's been stated that that that that residents nearby would prefer either two bungalows or a house and a bungalow , and I think er that certainly erm new developments adjacent to where you are proposing these are in fact all bungalows , er with the exception of the mill , which of course has been there a long time , er all those on that side of the road , both those two built and those two proposed are a bungalow or a semi bungalow , er and so erm you can see that obviously it is that the height of these buildings , it is erm causing the offence , largely , erm I I think , I mean obviously you will want to main you know , optimize your er development , but whether er a scheme with two bungalows that they would n't be four bedroomed bungalows , because there would n't be room for two of the four two four bedroomed bungalows , erm
6 Coun Jones said he was also writing to the South Africa embassy to apologise , adding : ‘ I want them to know that not every councillor in Darlington believes their country should be an international pariah . ’
7 As I became professionally involved in trying to understand what , if anything , was happening I realised that here was a rare opportunity for the public to experience science in action , feel the excitement that drives inquisitive minds , and see how discoveries are made , tested , replicated , proven and developed into a new technology .
8 So these wee things I I knew and er my staff soon found you see that well they just had to go along and do the job as it should be done , you see , and they were no good at kidding me that it had been done , for I used to examine everything that was done you see .
9 I just want you to know that not only do I hate this dress , I hate you even more . ’
10 ‘ You have been very brave , Miss Morgan , and I want you to know that both Craig and I are very grateful , a gratitude that will be shown in practical terms as soon as possible . ’
11 Now , I want you to know that normally I can do this unaided .
12 ‘ I did n't know they paid that well in the nick , ’ he heard himself say loudly .
13 It amazed me to think that even though the gay bar had been situated up those dark stairs for many years , the straight men downstairs managed to keep up the impetus so that no queen should pass without an insult .
14 Dame Sybil was the most gracious , helpful , generous woman you can ever ask to work with , you know , you 'd expect me to say that anyway , I 'm not gon na say anything else er but in her case it really was true .
15 It frightens me to think that not only are we so vulnerable to these monsters but also that we are constantly blamed for being provocative or careless .
16 Let them know that together , we affirmed America , and the world , as a community of conscience . "
17 And when le moment suprême glowed ( let me translate that briefly into Stuartese : when push came to shove ) , there was no difficulty .
18 Let me add that today 's Americans share that same street with million of homeless , mass murder and drugs .
19 They had made her realize that even with proved adultery it would be a long and uncertain fight before she would be allowed to take away both children as the Italian courts would be reluctant to let the prince 's son be brought up outside his own country .
20 It was only because his repeated invitations had made her think that maybe the young man did need the support of someone familiar that she had agreed to come to Lisbon — and because , after a hardworking summer , she had been in need of a break .
21 I replied that as far as I was concerned his terms and conditions of employment were best used as a rectal implant preferably without benefit of anaesthetic , which roused him to suggest that perhaps the whole matter would best be served by being turned over to the florid authority of Her Majesty 's Judiciary , via PC Plod , or at the very least to some banal tribunal vested with the right to dilly-dally over contretemps between master and servant .
22 I wish that I had time to go more deeply into the Government 's failure to tackle the root causes of crime in our communities , but suffice it to say that neither unemployment nor lack of a decent home is an excuse for crime .
23 Suffice it to say that very few come to Italy only once — most are more than happy to return time and time again .
24 Let us assume that initially the exchange rate was in a stable equilibrium with no shifts in the demand for and supply of sterling .
25 Through promoting rural voluntary action and developing community care in rural areas , the rural team never let us forget that over twenty per cent of the population live in rural areas .
26 Then let us hope that here endeth the second lesson . ’
27 Let us remember that under Labour inflation was an average 15% and at one time a massive 27% .
28 But then let us add that sometimes , in the very depth of his love , he ( sic ) may have to resign himself to reading the text and , knowing what he knows , feeling what he feels , passing on in silence .
29 They are clearly approaching a shrine or altar of some kind , or they would not be behaving in this way ; in addition , our new view of the whole of the Knossos Labyrinth as a temple allows us to argue that even a staircase , as part of a temple-complex , might well be in a general sense dedicated to a presiding deity .
30 I bring you notice that today a grand ceremony will be held at three o'clock in the forenoon at Raven Square in the ancient borough of Welshpool .
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