Example sentences of "[verb] [pers pn] [verb] she into " in BNC.

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1 She let him accompany her into the small lounge where the set was kept in segregation from the vocal and gregarious fishermen , and settle her in a comfortable chair , cheek by jowl with a single elderly lady , who seemed pleased to have company , and disposed to conversation .
2 But she let him help her into a chair .
3 She closed her eyes and arched blindly against him , let him guide her into another kind of darkness , where that unknown vortex of emotion , that powerful pull of attraction between them swirled and hypnotised , and this time the stars behind her eyelids were brilliant but softly incandescent , fireworks of intense delight , bursting in her head …
4 When it was done he ordered her into the sleeping-bag .
5 Such a false position was not for her , nor for her was the taunt of cowardice , so she smiled and assented , and allowed him to drag her into the sparsest area of the room .
6 She had allowed him to entice her into what was , to him , nothing more than a seduction scene , where she had been primed and ripe for the taking .
7 Shelley shrugged , and said to Victoria , ‘ Help me get her into the sick bay .
8 What had he got her into ?
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