Example sentences of "[verb] [noun pl] as i [verb] " in BNC.

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1 They also supply computers as I understood ?
2 And erm they 're loyal to the society because it , they know really it 's partly through them supporting the Guilds that we are able erm I do n't know whether I would get the membership there if you 've got , you see we pay a subscription to , see it costs five Pound a year at the moment to be , to be a member of the Womens ' Guild , which we , we send dues as I say to these three sections you see .
3 The Emissary 's Illusochamber had also been free of bugging devices as I 'd found when I 'd been fiddling with my headband , activating a mini-ceptor in one of the jewels .
4 One advantage of the appalling route was that it offered no temptation to diverge from it — since I could not see where I was going anyway , the only thing to do was to follow the compass , and I had waded ditches as I came to them instead of attempting to find easier crossing places .
5 I work from the inside and come out and finish things as I go along .
6 I no longer saw them , indeed , as legless beings on self moving pedestals as I had done at Salisbury but from being so constantly restricted in movement it seemed that they must be incapable of movement .
7 Perhaps if we get dwellings as I say , up here .
8 From the perspective that I write , I can only take matters as I find them .
9 I did n't try algicides as I 've heard too many horror stories .
10 The train for Dover left at Il.00 am so I bought a copy of Soldier magazine and leafed through the photos of happy-looking squaddies as I drank a cup of British Rail coffee , which tasted hot and disgusting .
11 ‘ I paint objects as I think them , not as I see them , ’ Picasso said to Gomez de la Serna .
12 He said : ‘ I would n't work 16 hours a day , seven days a week , chasing all over the country watching games as I did when I managed Plymouth , Manchester City , Crystal Palace and Middlesbrough .
13 It was n't quite chalk and string on the garage floor because I had a drawing board at Folkingham , but the tin-bashers and fitters would look over my shoulder and make parts as I drew them .
14 ‘ My function , Mr. Gerrard , is to report facts as I find them .
15 And as I had this urge to correct manuscripts as I went along , and could n't read his handwriting , and did n't know the first thing about Roman Britain , you can imagine he felt obliged to educate me .
16 So I have to make decisions as I go along as to which points need to be spelled out , which of them can be stated sparely , or which of them do not need to be mentioned at all but can be left to be inferred .
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