Example sentences of "[verb] [noun pl] that be [adv] " in BNC.

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1 I mean molecules that are rather larger , molecules that actually are rather important in biological systems .
2 One problem with the potential new treatment , however , is that it could not be administered in a pill form because it involves molecules that are too big to be delivered to the brain through the blood .
3 The Government are pursuing policies that are directly linked to the rise in crime .
4 Armed with this information they can design molecules that are even better at the job .
5 Arising from this it is held that if we are to have forms of science and technology which will be human-enhancing and liberating , make products that are ecologically desirable , conserve energy and materials in the long term , and help human beings rather than maim them , then we will require forms of science and technology which differ radically from those which predominate at the moment .
6 This definition of the sum invested has the advantage of producing returns that are roughly similar in size and dispersion to the returns on the underlying shares .
7 It is a sad fact of life that very few writers are capable of producing books that are both written from a position of commitment and are successful pieces of writing .
8 Hundreds of morons ( supporters of both sides ) always did their best to spoil the day by singing songs that were either anti-Papal or pro-King William of Orange .
9 They also wanted some data at higher current densities , , but were nervous that increasing the amount of current could lead to another disaster — the vaporised palladium block still haunted Fleischmann — so they decided to achieve this by keeping the total currents approximately unchanged but using rods that were only 1.25 cm long instead of 10 cm , the effect being to increase the current density eightfold .
10 Are you actually going to include subjects that are less traditional , perhaps , erm compared with the academic subjects such as history and geography ?
11 In real life — or even in the physics laboratory — we frequently encounter objects that are neither gases nor in equilibrium .
12 George wanted to obtain shapes that were visually stimulating in the sky and has been so successful that , since his start in Hawaii , he has travelled the world , influencing many other like-minded free spirits .
13 Erm when I say parties that 's probably not the right word because erm party indicates sort of food and games , we had concerts and we used to put on these concerts , the pupils used to put them on ourselves and our parents were invited to come and watch these concerts .
14 On the face of it the latter view certainly seems the more rational , since the two states in question appear to contain elements that are inherently irreconcilable .
15 The same problem applies to the new proposals , which are based on compensating flocks that are far lower than the Scottish average .
16 The boats are Challenger Trimarans ; specially designed dingies that are very stable so they wo n't capsize .
17 The general relativity theory of gravity and the Maxwell theory of electrodynamics were what are called classical theories ; that is , they involved quantities that were continuously variable and that could , in principle at least , be measured to arbitrary accuracy .
18 Empowerment as an outcome contains dimensions that are both psychological ( belief and motivation in one 's ability to act collectively ) and community ( increases in local action and transformed conditions ) .
19 Let us remember that that assurance comes from British Rail , who , it was discovered in Committee proceedings on the Bill , designed platforms that were too short to take the trains that would come in to them .
20 The Interludium therefore occurs in a later copy than the extant copy of Dame Sirith , and since Dame Sirith contains details that are also found in the other European versions of the tale , such as the object of the clerk 's desires being a married woman , not a " girl " , it is regarded as impossible for Dame Sirith to be derived from the Interludium .
21 Thesauri are likely to contain terms that are more specific than those found in subject headings lists .
22 However , success will always be limited until we are able to provide materials that are far more like those they are replacing .
23 We need to find refrigerants that are completely free from chlorine and do not cause other environmental problems such as contributing to global warming .
24 Moreover , each of these characteristics tends to change rather rapidly over time , as the monetary authorities try to establish controls that are more or less effective .
25 He said the miners were being asked to accept wages that were even lower than they 'd been before the war and that their working conditions were appalling .
26 Differences in quality standards , to which my hon. Friend the Financial Secretary referred , involve issues that are too serious for us to ignore .
27 Firstly , there is a deliberate effort made to provide courses that are vocationally relevant .
28 A citation for the R Y A awards , Staveley , Staveley has roots that are more linked to the sea and the water than most of us .
29 We suggest that the mere passage of RTW laws will not eradicate unions that are already established : they will continue to extract a rent associated with the wage differential .
30 So , although there is clearly an argument for using buckets that are as large as possible , over-large buckets will mean that an extended search through the bucket will be required to locate the desired record .
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