Example sentences of "[verb] [noun pl] for a [noun] " in BNC.

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1 And by eavesdropping talk on the terraces and in the pubs , they overheard plans for a pitch invasion like this one at the County Ground last year .
2 Participants also discussed the possibility of launching a major research project on the theme , and made plans for a book on communication and human rights in Africa .
3 Participants also discussed the possibility of launching a major research project on the theme , and made plans for a book on communication and human rights in Africa .
4 Tesfaye Gebre Kidan ( Defence Minister in 1981-86 and appointed Vice-President on April 26 ) would " work in his place " and the government was taking steps through diplomatic channels to implement proposals for a ceasefire and a transitional government .
5 Thus , they tabled proposals for a Bill of Rights , an Assembly where they ( the Unionists ) considered the SDLP would have an effective role and an Inter-Irish Relations Committee — avoiding the unmentionable Council of Ireland — representing a formal link between the Belfast assembly and the Dublin parliament .
6 Warning that his reforms would cause business failures and unemployment , he announced plans for a scheme to put unemployed people to work on government construction projects for a minimum wage .
7 ( ii ) curriculum areas with well develop plans for a shift towards greater resource-based learning
8 Beveridge made proposals for a separation benefit , to be paid only in cases of formal separation not caused by the wife .
9 The University has recently opened its first child care nursery and is actively pursuing plans for a second .
10 Now he 's been told to stop doing a good turn for pensioners and others who otherwise have to wait minutes for a gap in the traffic .
11 This brings us on to the second of Dworkin 's grounds for excluding such background policy issues from the jurisdiction of the courts , for if no one has a right to any particular form of decision-making process — whether a right to a hearing itself , a right to cross-examine witnesses or to be given reasons for a decision -this can only be because such a right can not be derived from the master principle of equal concern and respect .
12 In his fifties he was to return to the Liskeard area , the ‘ land of his fathers ’ , and make notes for a book on Cornwall ; alas , never to be completed .
13 The European Community is believed to support plans for a road cutting across the region to link up with East Coast ports .
14 Nippon Telegraph & Telephone Corp shares jumped almost 8.5% on Friday on hopes that the government will spend heavily on a major new communications network : Prime Minister Kiichi Miyazawa said on Thursday that an economic stimulus package , widely expected to include funds for a network of high-speed fibre optic cables , would be even larger than 1992 's supplementary budget ; if the government steps in with new funding , the state-controlled phone company would likely end up laying the cable and providing services ; the project is the one first mooted back in the early 1980s to connect every home and business in Japan .
15 It would not be appropriate for unions to issue guidelines for a range of applications ( eg design , data processing , text processing ) .
16 The two main unions , the General Union of Moroccan Workers ( UGTM ) and the Democratic Confederation of Labour ( CDT ) , had called the strike , the first since 1981 , to promote demands for a doubling of the legal minimum wage to 2,000 dirhams ( about US$245 ) per month to compensate for rising food prices .
17 He warns us against being seduced by ‘ a new and … illiberal ‘ liberal ’ orthodoxy' designed to accommodate demands for a law protecting Islamic sensitivities .
18 Explaining plans for a market economy , Gorbachev declared that diverse forms of ownership and management ranging from state-owned enterprises to co-operatives or family farms " all serve to strengthen the democratic pillars of society , since the working people become genuine masters of the means of production and the results of their work , and have a personal stake in efficient performance and high ultimate results " .
19 THE shipping minister , Lord Caithness , yesterday dismissed calls for a sheriff 's inquiry into the Braer oilspill in spite of a petition signed by more than a third of Shetland 's adults being handed over in London .
20 It was insignificant prattle about birds , sailing and school gossip , but the last paragraph mentioned plans for a demonstration against the Education Secretary 's newly-announced plans to end the distribution of free milk to schoolchildren .
21 The earlier plans of 1939 were considered inadequate and in 1951 Mr Robert Frater ARIBA was asked to provide plans for a church to seat about 386 .
22 The consultation document will also consider proposals for a reduction in complex orthopaedic surgery at Horton and more emphasis on day care surgery .
23 VUE , which incorporates OSF/Motif , has been ported to the Sparc by San Diego-based Science Applications International Corp , which also has an IBM RS/6000 version out on beta test , and has plans for a DEC version .
24 Gresham also has plans for a VMS server version of Dataserve .
25 General Holomisa recently dealt himself into South Africa 's reform game by moving towards a loose alliance with the outlawed African National congress and by announcing plans for a referendum on the ‘ independent ’ homeland 's possible reincorporation into South Africa .
26 CHINA 'S political turmoil has had a ‘ traumatic ’ effect on Hong Kong , but in announcing plans for a Bill of Rights and expenditure of HK$127bn ( £10.1bn ) on a new international airport and port facilities , Sir David Wilson , the Governor , made a bold attempt yesterday to bolster the territory 's confidence .
27 These questions are often opening gambits for a negotiation of some sort , even if it 's just for interest and approval from one another .
28 Recent setbacks mean Miss Johansen , 29 from Woolton , still needs funds for a return ticket .
29 A REFUSAL by the Republic 's Government to provide funds for a memorial to the 22 people killed in the loyalist bomb attack on Dublin in 1974 has angered the Dublin City Council .
30 The bond is being recommended as the means to provide funds for a variety of personal needs ; these include retirement provision , school fees , and repayment of debt or mortgages .
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