Example sentences of "[verb] [noun pl] [coord] as a " in BNC.

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1 Our new customer tracking system is giving us detailed information on customer tracking flows and purchasing bands and as a result we 're refining staff working arrangements in all stores with a clear objective of increasing sales and improving customer service .
2 Britain needs chemists as much as it needs doctors and as a result there will be high employment prospects for chemistry graduates in the future .
3 The only registration of properties are as lodging houses and as a medical facility .
4 Later came the introduction of polyethylene terephthalate film — ‘ Melinex ’ — for the packaging , photographic and printing industries and as a drawing office material .
5 At first the EMCF was to be used merely as a way of recording transactions and as a temporary depository for the pooled reserve funds .
6 Before commencing proceedings and as a matter of good practice local authorities are expected : ( a ) to consult other child care agencies ; ( b ) to discuss options with the family and also the child , unless he is very young ; ( c ) to take legal advice .
7 In Zambia it is widely used to control termites and as a pesticide in maize fields .
8 Homework should not be used as a means of controlling children but as a key to the development to their education .
9 Japanese car producers may have peaked in their efforts in North America , where they have been forced to raise prices and as a result have lost market share to their Detroit rivals .
10 Guests may use the small breakfast room at any time for playing cards or as a lounge .
11 The bombers were practising the tactics and techniques for attacking ships and as a result , were flying lower than normal at 2,500 ft .
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