Example sentences of "[verb] [noun pl] that [pron] have " in BNC.

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1 17.33 With regard to spelling , the aim should be that by the end of compulsory schooling pupils should be able to spell confidently most of the words they are likely to need to use frequently in their writing ; to recognise those aspects of English spelling that are systematic ; to make a sensible attempt to spell words that they have not seen before ; to check their work for misspellings and to use a dictionary appropriately .
2 Why are there grave areas , areas of uncertainty and responsibility erm Rivers Authority er Area Manager I believe , Mr er presented the position from their point of view er in particular circumstances on the night of thirtieth December er the er Southern Water whose responsibility is primarily sewage erm er describes circumstances that they have been contending with and a great deal of criticism erm was what we had to anticipate if you like or do anything er to contend with the unusual circumstances of that night erm the consequence was that a large number of new houses in the very close to the that runs through Barnham and under the railway there erm and er not ordinary surplus water flooding , but sewage flooding and the consequences then for many years er it 's obviously going to give , quite apart from having to live with it , er it will on the properties themselves and adversely affect er the ability of individuals to sell them off .
3 You will probably do things that you have never done before in your life .
4 They make promises that they have no way of sustaining .
5 It 's looking good but it 's down to us They 've convinced dealers that they have something worth selling … even in a recession .
6 They have been reported as spending a great deal of time analysing conversations that they have held with the various Ketamine entities .
7 To be effective for you , the lecture should cover topics that you have already studied — if only briefly .
8 There is a graveyard for cars at Kilvey hill , where young men drive cars that they have taken without authority and then burn them .
9 Tell customers that we have received their written complaints and claims for compensation within 24 hours of receiving them ;
10 She relates that Lena will even take the trouble to teach customers how to use machines that they have bought elsewhere and go out of her way to make deliveries , both free of charge .
11 But it is hard to persuade voters that you have managerial skills if you have been out of office for 11 years .
12 Well you can either keep putting up with it or tell others that they have to look elsewhere for help with their work or children — it 's really up to you .
13 However , before that , we have to deal with an aspect of buying roses that we have scarcely mentioned yet : ‘ container grown ’ plants at garden centres .
14 This last point is a familiar one , which fits in well with the remarks on observing patterns that I have discussed above .
15 I have my family who always help me , and some very good friends that I can talk to and discuss problems that I have .
16 The magic wears off , and Swift advises women that they have only themselves to blame for a husband 's loss of enthusiasm if they do not keep themselves clean :
17 Well a man came earlier on today and he said please would we record conversations that we have all the time .
18 Women often have to prove to housing officials that they have not made themselves ‘ intentionally ’ homeless .
19 Why do they have to have weapons that they have ?
20 As long as er I keep finding places that I have n't , you know thi this is leaving it to the la I have n't left it till the last minute , but all las la you know I keep looking at it and thinking well
21 The move , pending a full disciplinary hearing , follows Mr Murphy 's claims to The Scotsman earlier this month that he has evidence to support claims that there have been cases of patronage to ensure that certain jobs in the local authority went to Labour Party members .
22 The move , pending a full disciplinary hearing , follows Mr Murphy 's claims to The Scotsman earlier this month that he has evidence to support claims that there have been cases of patronage to ensure that certain jobs in the local authority went to Labour Party members .
23 And in the interview , conducted last week , they deny reports that they have needed psychiatric intervention to cope with their trauma .
24 COUNTY council officials in Cleveland have angrily dismissed reports that they have scrapped plans for a revolutionary light rail network .
25 ‘ A note has been left at the flat where they lived , advising friends that they have gone to London for a vacation .
26 Many people have kept leopards that they have hand-reared from cubs .
27 Maybe you have weapons that we have never encountered , but those I have seen we can use as well as any of your men .
28 Once you feel more able to control symptoms we can set about confronting situations that you have been avoiding , such as meeting people and going to work .
29 But think about it any form of any form of problem that you have arguments that you have tend to tend to develop like that .
30 They are sometimes loathe to tell men that they have a baby for fear of being rebuffed or being seen as easy , like Shona , now twenty with a daughter of two :
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