Example sentences of "[verb] [Wh adv] it [vb mod] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ The glucose testing kit … ’ she said rather blankly , not quite understanding how it could still be in her hands .
2 This biography is not merely content to tell you everything you ever wanted to know about Dickens ( interesting fact : Dickens spoke with a slight ‘ metallic burr ’ in his voice ) ; nor does it stop at telling you everything you never wanted to know about Dickens ( uninteresting fact : there were white Christmases for the first eight years of Dickens ' life ) ; it goes so far , as with that unidentified novel , as to let you know when it can not tell you something .
3 Spike Spike did n't Spike did n't know why it would n't work .
4 I do n't know why it would suddenly start losing pressure .
5 They should be shown how it may primarily be either an artefact in its own right or a means of conveying information ; how it functions as a tool of thought and as a creator of human relationships ; how it can be stored and readily transmitted across time and distance .
6 ‘ Also , if you allow the dog to sit on your settee , then replace that settee with a new one you do n't want the dog to sit on , you must not expect it to suddenly understand why it can not sit there . ’
7 On a summons issued by solicitors for the interim government of Somalia , the Republic of Somalia was substituted as the plaintiff in the proceedings and directions were given for payment out of the money paid into court to the solicitors instructed by the interim government , unless cause was shown why it should not be so paid out .
8 Whilst a prospective burglar might fumbling with the clock and wondering why it wo n't lift , his movement will have activated the pressure pad which controls an audible alarm giving out 85dbs .
9 you 're not geared to do anything else , it 's cos your attitude I suppose , anything else , if you really had to , er I do n't see why it would n't
10 Provided there is a demand for bank lending at a profitable rate of interest , we can see why it will always be difficult for the authorities to control monetary expansion .
11 If research can be done in Holland and the USA , I do n't see why it should n't be done in Britain , except I suspect that some British police forces are just hostile to outsiders .
12 Still , in the cooking pot , and enlivened let's say with a dash of Cutty Sark or Christopher 's Finest Old Scotch , I do n't see why it should n't make out pretty well .
13 I do n't see why it should n't work .
14 Erm certainly on the rescue tenders , erm erm on , on each division would have that equipment , it 's not carried on every fire engine as far as I know now , erm I , I do n't see why it should n't but er again I think it 's a matter of cost , and , and carrying it about as well and finding the space for it , but certainly it 's at hand when it 's needed .
15 Ramsey did not see why it should not have a wider interest as in Henson 's day .
16 Because such structures are ‘ conventional , and hence culturally variable ’ ( van Dijk and Kintsch 1983:16 ) the language learner , in order to be able to operate effectively as a participant in discourse , needs to be able both to identify what type of discourse he or she is involved in , and to predict how it will typically be structured .
17 But there can not be an infinite series of causes stretching back endlessly ; for in that case , no matter how far back we were to look , we should never find a beginning of the whole process , and that in turn would make it quite impossible to understand how it could ever have got off the ground , let alone reached its present state .
18 Many people in the West have been asking how it can best jog things along .
19 He heard the key grating ineffectively in the wards of the lock it did not fit , and her vexed , angry breathing as she wrestled to make it enter where it would not go .
20 At one place he described the statement ‘ physics has higher verisimilitude than astrology ’ as plausible and asks why it should not be accepted as long as no serious alternative is offered .
21 And you wonder how it would ever be any good at anything .
22 I find that people can not comprehend why it will not go in the forthcoming legislation .
23 Indeed , this result is an irresistible inference from the acceptance of the tort of intimidation : if it is a tort by A against C to threaten a wrong to B if B continues to deal with C it is hard to see why it should not be equally tortious to inflict harm on C by committing that wrong rather than merely threatening it .
24 If it can be abandoned in the case of the personal element of the council tax , it is hard to see why it can not be abandoned immediately for the poll tax .
25 Good reasons can be given why it should not .
26 Mr Michael Grade , the channel 's chief executive , yesterday called on the Government to explain why it could not trust ITC appointments .
27 However , it gave her no carnal pleasure , and she wondered how it could ever be associated with erotic games .
28 Thought there was going to be a much look , see where it could eventually to control industrial air pollution from local industries .
29 Is n't there an argument , and perhaps I am st getting now onto two , matter two , that says from Hambledon 's point of view , what has just been said is compelling , is a compelling argument in favour of identifying where the new settlement should go , because that will , at the same time , identify where it should not go ?
30 For that matter , they might like to show why it will not become like Belgium , where nationalist hatred between Flemings and Walloons has nearly destroyed the country .
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