Example sentences of "[verb] [Wh adv] you could [vb infin] " in BNC.

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1 Do n't know how you could drink it !
2 I do n't know how you could do that though .
3 As a photographic subject , but yeah , I , it 's simple and it 's , it 's a bit sort of small , the actual , I do n't know how you could make it any bigger but I do do n't know what you could do .
4 I do n't know , I do n't know how you could deal with them justly .
5 I do n't know how you could say it was the best .
6 ‘ How would you like it if I were to let you know where you could stop the Wete Mo Nan Dlo , the biggest ceremony this year ?
7 Perhaps you could test the water at your end , and let me know when you could come .
8 I do n't see how you could do a show , go to an analyst , work on a film and take ‘ poppers ’ or ‘ coke ’ or anything like it the whole time . ’
9 ‘ You could see how you could get stuck in the ( NME ) job , because it is a very easy life .
10 I could n't see how you could get a lot of maths into physics on the grounds of the experience I 'd had in school .
11 ‘ That means going a little way into the mountains and I do n't see how you could get lost on a mountain road .
12 ‘ I still do n't understand how you could do such a thing , ’ Michael complained .
13 Video Plan 1 shows how you could plan the lesson in three stages .
14 If you have not really thought how you could improve your space , or ca n't quite place what is wrong , ask yourself the following questions :
15 Discuss how you could refer to some of these events or publications if you had to write an essay on A Trip to the Moon in its historical context .
16 You and your colleagues will need to consider how you could exploit the business of Name working within the ABC Plc Group .
17 The reason being that you had to navigate where you could see .
18 The war was the cold , the wet , standing to your neck in a drain for a whole night with bloodhounds on your trail , not knowing how you could manage the next step toward the end of a long march .
19 You had certain of them that knew where you could slip in — you could slip in for a smoke and a cup of tea , so long as you were n't caught .
20 ‘ God in heaven , ’ she said , for Mrs Hollidaye had explained how you could speak to the good Lord and sometimes the good Lord spoke back .
21 There was no no working out to see how you could do anything cheaper .
22 Okay , erm , just carrying on quickly it 's very hard to see how you could account for erm the stuff about reflectives and the polarity items if you did n't have the structures of the kind you get with T one and T two on verb phrases , erm and the reason 's just erm you want that kind of a symmetry between say Florence and herself between their positions in the tree and no one and anyone except you ca n't reverse them , things like that .
23 Recycling is better than disposal so before you throw anything away think how you could give it a second life .
24 If you feel , for example , that your appearance lets you down , perhaps you could spend a little time studying magazine features to see where you could make some changes .
25 Because I could n't countenance how you could stay under water without being asphyxiated , and yet at the same time I was incapable of comprehending the trick .
26 Always analyse how you could have improved your approach and landing and why you did not manage to touch down nearer to the spot .
27 How could you make , how could you make , I 'd like you to both have a look at those now and see how you could make , quiet .
28 blah , blah , blah , recommended that interview have been in both directions despite in this difficult across , and I could n't say when you could do that at midday , but the implication is you have to do it when you
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