Example sentences of "[verb] [Wh det] she see as " in BNC.

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1 She said , ‘ What 's this ? ’ it did n't matter to her what it was — a piece of stone in the hearth — just something to talk about — an embarrassed need for words to cover what she saw as his rejection .
2 In highlighting what she sees as the essence of the characters , Ms Meckler often misses their comic contradictions and ambiguities .
3 Another outlined what she saw as the consequences :
4 She also felt that age 6 was too early to make what she saw as a drastic decision — once out of mainstream education she felt he would be unlikely to get back .
5 I am so jealous and protective of her , ’ but , close as she was to Louise , she could n't bring herself to admit what she saw as the black depths of her failure with her daughter .
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