Example sentences of "[verb] [Wh det] i [vb past] in " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Do you know what I found in his trunk some time ago , right at the bottom ?
2 He says : ‘ I simply tried to do what I observed in my career in the straight theatre with some of the finest directors , particularly Peter Brook .
3 Well I would 've called what I did in bloody Austria eighteen months ago physical it knackered me more than many other bloody things I did , like crawling up bloody hills and Mind you it 's just as enjoyable .
4 That was n't counting what I had in my pockets when I was arrested .
5 I venture to repeat what I said in Powell v McFarlane ( 1977 ) 38 P & CR 452 at 470 – 1 : " Factual possession signifies an appropriate degree of physical control .
6 In a sense this may be thought to contradict what I said in chapter 1 , where the emphasis was on the evident synchroneity of particular deposits , particularly carbonates .
7 Asked what I did in Britain I replied ‘ Like you , I am a smallholder ; I farm only ten acres . ’
8 And I 'm just trying to think what I had in mind .
9 Then they needed to see what I had in the box .
10 And I was fortunate : no one ever stopped me either to ask me for my identity card or to see what I had in my bag .
11 She asked what I had in mind , and I said an informal conversation about the principal events of her life from her girlhood at Glamis Castle to the present day .
12 It goes back to our branch and erm everything they tell me it 's completely confidential and erm you would be able to see this and sign whatever I wrote in here as well .
13 If there were nothing more to it than this , I would only be repeating what I said in the previous chapter about the persistence of facies .
14 ‘ You see , ’ he murmured , ‘ I wanted to believe it , so I could have an excuse to take what I wanted in a fury , instead of reaching out of my confusion and asking for what I wanted — ’
15 Meh'Lindi , I need to confide what I learned in that conclave … ’
16 If you think you 're going to persuade me to retract what I said in that article , you 're a bigger — ’
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