Example sentences of "[verb] [Wh det] i [vb base] by " in BNC.

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1 Do you know what I mean by a relatively free press , Mr Wagner ? …
2 I do n't know what I mean by that .
3 If you read Callenbach you will know what I mean by an " Ecotopian " , if you read FAST 's voluminous reports I doubt whether you will recognise a citizen of the biosociety .
4 D' ya know what I mean by body language ?
5 Do you know what I mean by that ?
6 Fully-fashioned knitwear , now I think you all know what I mean by that then .
7 Yeah , i it it 's based almost you kn you know what I mean by cliche ?
8 That 's right see we 've talked , we 've spoken about all the form closes before in the past , we 've spoken about a sumter closes , I mean you know what I mean by a sumter close , do n't you ?
9 You see he used to get over the stick pretty often , if you understand what I mean by over the stick ?
10 And now perhaps you understand what I mean by Personal Management . ’
11 You understand what I mean by that ?
12 I have to decide what I mean by ‘ working-class ’ , and then I have to choose an ‘ indicator ’ of this concept .
13 Before going on to analyse the kinds of blocking technique one might nevertheless use , I want to briefly explain what I mean by the terms ‘ open ’ and ‘ closed ’ sides when referring to a stance .
14 First , perhaps I should explain what I mean by information technology .
15 The phrase ‘ the holism of the mental ’ is used in a number of ways ; but I hope the reader now understands what I intend by it .
16 but I ought to explain what I mean by budgeted fi figure .
17 I would like to give you just one illustration to show what I mean by the disintegrating influence of a dynamic force .
18 You see what I mean by shape ?
19 Today I shall content myself with quoting what I hope by now is a familiar argument for the Minister , advanced by the Audit Commission .
20 But since the pain I have to experience to learn the concept is necessarily my pain , this explanation leads to our asking ourselves the question , ‘ What possible reason could I have to think that other people ever have what I mean by ‘ pain ’ ? ’ — a question which invites the answers , ‘ None ’ ( solipsism ) or , alternatively ‘ An argument from analogy ’ .
21 In its absence we would n't even be able to understand the question , ‘ What possible reason could I have to think that other people ever have what I mean by ‘ pain ’ ? , let alone the answers that have been given to it .
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