Example sentences of "[verb] [Wh det] [art] [noun sg] [is] " in BNC.

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1 The WES has a network of proselytisers doing something about that , explaining what an engineer is to schoolgirls .
2 Each new member of staff receives a five page letter from Mr Nitschke explaining what the hotel is about and he still attends the induction programme each Monday morning .
3 The Epitome or Gaius ' Institutes still distinguishes between legacies and trusts , and even goes to the trouble of explaining what the difference is .
4 And the other one just specifies what the path is , does n't it ?
5 Certainly the crisis over Maastricht is no nearer solution , especially as the Government still refuses to accept what the Treaty is about .
6 If you want to know what a man is really like , take notice of how he acts when he loses money .
7 Most market managers require to know what a trader is going to sell .
8 The Bible 's right ( surprise , surprise ) , you should always try to get to know what a person is really like before deciding whether or not you want to build a deep friendship with them .
9 So it 's a good idea to know what a function is
10 So you need to know what an isotope is .
11 It is required to know what the relationship is between A and E , choosing from : greater than ; less than ; equal to ; can not say .
12 All this has profoundly affected those who teach RE in both primary and secondary schools , some of whom really do not seem to know what the subject is about .
13 If they are symptoms of leprosy , then we are indeed ‘ fortunate ’ to know what the experience is like .
14 Now gets interesting , and you need to know what the notation is , when you 've got more than one function .
15 Erm , we need to know what the position is now , and where we want to be , so , a lot of the influence is going , what change the influence is going to bring about .
16 But I do think the minister er should er b be quite clear about that point er because er it may be of crucial importance , not just to the industry , er but also to the public interest who will want to know what the position is so far as er er these matters are concerned .
17 Okay , we need erm I need an address and er it would be nice to know what the seminar 's about .
18 Though popular with patients , such a departure from traditional practice has been known to outrage consultants , demanding to know what the researcher is doing with their patients !
19 oh yes , yes , yes all you really need to know what the question is in inflation is how the why it 's regarded as the biggest economic problem and secondly
20 ‘ Bill , I 'll try , ’ I pleaded , ‘ but I have to know what the fuck is going on . ’
21 ‘ I do n't think I 'm being treated fairly and I want to know what the hell is going on . ’
22 ‘ The industry wants to know what the hell is going on . ’
23 Erm as far as his sort of doubts as to , as to what er what the actual State benefits are , I 'm interested to know what the answer is to overco overcome that one unless you actually got a , a leaflet with you know the
24 I want to know what the microphone is ?
25 I want to know what the difference is , and I want to know whether we need to take action or what ?
26 and it gives you an example , okay and it tells you to write what the situation is , so it 'll be at home with the children watching television
27 If your organisation is a " high tech " company and works in areas such as microbiology or electronics it will be useful to have a trained scientist who can translate what the company is doing into terms which most people can understand .
28 The multi-millionaire Greek playboy , who spent three months in a British jail for possessing cocaine , wrote in the New York Observer : ‘ It is not hard to guess what the secret is . ’
29 And the Greek playboy , who spent three months in a British jail for possessing cocaine , wrote in the upmarket New York Observer : ‘ It is not hard to guess what the secret is . ’
30 But people tend to confuse the fact that one may be able to guess what an individual is likely to choose with the notion that the choice is not free .
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