Example sentences of "[verb] [Wh det] [modal v] [be] [art] " in BNC.

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1 You could see from there ; and then we might know which would be the best way to go . "
2 Unlike his team mate , who has what would be a Rug Nightmare except that he 's Italian and so it 's not .
3 From Millthrop , the Dales Way crosses one of the craziest golf courses in the world , which has what must be an average gradient of one in four .
4 These new levels invariably clash with such a feature and variations on one means of convincingly disguising what might be an unattractive junction of new and retained construction are illustrated in the following sections , which include accounts of the conversion of two conventional nineteenth-century Anglican churches .
5 Mr Krenz 's resignation as head of state — he stepped down from the party leadership three days ago — signifies what could be a terminal crisis for the party , as it desperately advances its special congress by a week to find new faces .
6 It remains to be seen whether the special provision built up over the last decade will survive what may be the collapse of pre-vocational college-based education .
7 To hide what could be an eyesore , Ken has built a housing around the water butt and bath that has echoes of the tea house without being obviously Japanese .
8 Harrison kept intent on the gentleman but still he noted the two boats on the lake — one had caught what must be a pike from the struggle — heard the chiming axes of the woodmen , noted the flocks on the Scale Force bank of Crummock and , more particularly , a pair of swallows playing beside the water — these and a score of other impressions gave him a richness of context denied Hope who , after struggling with his pipe , battled on , oblivious of all that was about him , to confirm and exercise his new and gloriously liberated Christianity .
9 With the tightening of world oil demand which will come in the 1990s and the beginnings of a ‘ catching-up ’ programme of crude price increases , it is to be hoped that measures will be taken in good time to counteract what could be a politically unacceptable and potentially debilitating economic dependence on imported energy , for the US and for the rest of the Western world .
10 Erm it was the way they sort of checked all the way round the car park as if they were looking to see which would be the best .
11 Even in making oneself more aware in preparation for a choice , it will be enough that one can identify which would be the relatively stronger inclination in the fullest attainable awareness ; there will be no need to experience it in its full intensity or to prolong it after the choice .
12 Those who changed back to shorter repayment periods , because in this example they carry the same total credit cost as longer ones , show what must be the widely-held feeling that , regardless of loan period , the lower the total cost of credit the better .
13 I 'm more interested in developing what would be a campaign policy er during the course of tomorrow right through to early June of next year .
14 He 's about to tackle what must be the longest and the loneliest battle of all — swimming the English channel .
15 Crab apples and wild cherry grow in company with blackthorn , hawthorn , elder , and wild rose along a verge near my own garden , forming what must be the best natural autumn bird larder for miles around .
16 Reid has now persuaded one female to move without swallowing what could be the last of the species .
17 He admired Jotan 's detachment , and concluded that it was the lack of direct involvement which made it possible for him to behave as if nothing had occurred which could be the source of concern .
18 : Mmd An exhibition to let people see what could be the new Henley is being held at the town hall .
19 The difficulty is to identify what might be an ‘ excessive price ’ .
20 That of course is to express what can be a complicated legal matter in a simple way , but in highly charged and volatile situations the maintenance of such a balance by the police and trades union officials is not always easy .
21 On 16 October 1991 , after a hearing in chambers to consider wasted costs after the jury in a criminal trial had been discharged and a retrial ordered , Judge MacRae made an order against the appellant , H. , a barrister who had acted as defence counsel at the trial , disallowing ‘ such part of the brief fee which would otherwise have been payable on the initial trial as exceeds what would be the proper enhanced refresher for the retrial … ’ under the provisions of section 19A(1) of the Prosecution of Offences Act 1985 , as inserted by section 111 of the Courts and Legal Services Act 1990 .
22 Eventually , when this somewhat bizarre meeting ended , the judge made an order by which he purported to ‘ disallow such part of the brief fee which would otherwise have been payable on the [ partial ] trial as exceeds what would be the proper enhanced refresher for the retrial . ’
23 Such neglect undermines what should be the mutuality of a partnership .
24 Now , consider what would be the situation at the beginning of the period immediately following a defection .
25 By the same token , I can not help wondering what will be the result of a survey among half the 2,500 members of the British Psychological Society to establish how many of them have had sexual relations with their clients .
26 These are mostly being written with the aid of Egeria , a graphical user interface editor which cuts what would be a 200,000 line Motif application program down to 10,000 lines .
27 Let us suppose that a person well acquainted with the woollen trade sets himself to inquire what would be the normal supply price of a certain number of millions of yards annually of a particular kind of cloth .
28 There is no a priori justification for stating which will be the dominant effect .
29 The solution to another point raised by ( ’ Where are the people to come from to fill what will be the lonely , and apart from particularly large companies , unexciting role of internal auditor ?
30 Where it knows that it will suffer increases in its costs , it may wish to use a model to predict what will be the effect of a series of increasingly large price rises upon its sales .
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