Example sentences of "[verb] [that] it will [verb] " in BNC.

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1 From the ascription on the first page of H400D , Te Deum Simple Le feu Roy ayant voulu qu'il ne dura guere plus que sa messe ordinaire ( ‘ Simple Te Deum , the late King having wished that it will last little more than his usual mass ’ ) , we can deduce that this score , or at least this inscription , must be dated between the death of Louis XIV in September 1715 , and that of the composer , in June 1726 .
2 They should know that it will change nothing .
3 And this means that if on the same grounds I claim today to know that it will rain in the afternoon , I must continue to assert that I knew yesterday that it would rain that afternoon ( in the teeth of the evidence ) .
4 Though this project is principally concerned with the city of Edinburgh its relevance is much wider , to British cities in general and it is expected that it will demonstrate how land-owners , builders , house factors and other interests in property were able to control the pace and pattern of urban development largely to their own ends without recognising the long term consequences for the physical shape and quality of the housing and building stock and its long term impact on modern society in terms of street lay outs , maintenance and repairs , and the availability of open spaces .
5 We must recognise that it will have to be the consumer who pays , and it is up to animal welfare organisations such as the RSPCA to ensure that the increased price for food will be seen to be acceptable because of an improvement both in animal welfare and environmental protection .
6 However , USL has recently claimed that it will configure Destiny to run applications of all persuasions — including Solaris — ( UX No 380 ) , Zander says ‘ if they can do that they 're better than anyone in the world . ’
7 Most scientists expect that it will show , as in Hiroshima and Nagasaki , that low doses of radiation have no detectable effect on humans or animals in the first years after an accident .
8 How long does the Secretary of State expect that it will take to complete the valuations and how long will it take to deal with householders ' objections to those valuations ?
9 Its main power over the economy lies in its control of the central bank , but Mr Yeltsin has made the bank promise that it will issue only a quarter as much credit in the second three months of the year as it did in the first .
10 If Microsoft decides not to sue — and we wonder if it can decide before WABI is introduced — observers say that it will hassle Sun to death .
11 Manufacturing companies such as ICI and Du Pont say that it will take between five and seven years to develop suitable alternatives , and in some cases much less , so compliance with a 1995 withdrawal should pose few problems .
12 The most cautious believe that it will stabilise at between 0.5 and one per cent of the total beer market and even the most bullish say that it will take more than five years to reach four per cent .
13 per annum in West Yorkshire , how can a Minister stand in the House and say that it will keep West Yorkshire 154 police officers under strength this year and next year ?
14 Sample sizes can not be decided independently of acceptable error since sampling can not guarantee that it will provide the true population value .
15 I concede that it will do for judging in retrospect the spontaneity beyond the margins of my rationality , as when jumping like an instinctive animal for the side of the road , and for such primitive choices as the child 's refusal of another helping ; but I continue to insist that at the centre of me I differ from the child in having escaped being restricted to choice between spontaneous goals .
16 Do you think that it will work ? ’
17 Jeffrey : I do n't think that it will halt the development of a sense of gay community and , in a way , it makes it more essential that there is a gay community .
18 Also , do n't think that it will put you into a trance or make you say or do stupid things .
19 Like many other colleges and educational establishments , Gateshead college is worried about that trend and thinks that it will increase in the future , particularly if nothing is done .
20 The Microprocessor Report expects Bob Miller to be replaced at MIPS Technologies Inc : he apparently retains his seat on Silicon Graphics Inc 's board and his post as head of MIPS ' architecture committee but it seems he 's off with a new venture-backed workstation company called NetPower Systems Inc ; he would n't discuss product plans but the newsletter thinks that it will market low-cost MIPS R-series workstations made by OEM suppliers .
21 The first duty of the conqueror , he wrote , ‘ is to maintain his domination and to assure that it will last ; everything is good which has the effect of consolidating and guaranteeing it , everything is bad that may weaken or compromise it ’ .
22 The federal cartel office in Berlin is hinting that it will forbid the takeover of MBB .
23 It was reported in yesterday 's press , however , that North Korea has now agreed to the principle of the nuclear-free Korean peninsula , although it has yet to confirm that it will open up its nuclear installations at Yongbyon and any underground sites to inspection .
24 The company also announced that it will make over 33,000 redundancies this year .
25 Lucas Industries announced that it will make at least 4,000 job cuts as part of a three-year restructuring programme .
26 Japan 's Ministry of International Trade and Industry announced that it will ban the capture of the turtles , and gradually reduce imports to zero " within a certain period of time " .
27 Microsoft Corp last week announced that it will stop selling its Cobol Professional Development System product on June 30 and instead reinforce the strategic alliance it has had for five years with Micro Focus Plc .
28 In January Fujitsu announced that it will spend ¥100 billion ( $770m ) next year getting its plant in Miyazaki prefecture ready for making 64-megabit chips .
29 The company claims to have reached an agreement in principle either to lengthen the terms of its loans , or swap for debt for equity , and until detailed plans are presented on April 6 , the firm announced that it will suspend capital repayments on its loans .
30 JWP Inc , the Rye Brook , New York electrical and plumbing services conglomerate that bought struggling Businessland Inc and almost immediately regretted it , has decided that it has had enough of computers altogether and on Friday announced that it will sell its information services business ; it has retained Lazard Freres & Co as its financial advisor to attempt to find a buyer ; the unit now provides personal computer-related hardware , software and integrated services primarily to large corporate and institutional customers , has some 3,000 staff and had 1992 revenues of $1,700m .
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