Example sentences of "[verb] [that] it be important " in BNC.

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1 I am anxious to find common ground in the country on this matter and I strongly suggest that it is important that that common ground is found .
2 We say that it is important to the general stress erm of the structure plan .
3 Mm , do you think that it 's important to have a sideboard as a piece of furniture , because a dining room is n't a dining room without a sideboard or ?
4 One would not think that it was important from the statistics that have been compiled about the industry under this Government .
5 But if it 's a question of a child feeling that a parent thinks that it 's important , and feeling that parents are interested in what they 're doing , then that I would have thought was beneficial .
6 In deploring this latest IRA atrocity , and hoping that those responsible will be brought to justice — like all those , from both sides in Northern Ireland , who carry out squalid murders — may I ask whether the Secretary of State agrees that it is important that we do not play into the hands of the Provisional IRA by following policies which , although the IRA deny it , they want for propaganda purposes in the Republic of Ireland and the United States ?
7 Only a few exceptional women were likely to take advantage of equal education opportunities , though on grounds of utility alone , Mill argued that it was important for this small pool of female talent to be permitted free choice of occupation so that it might contribute to human development .
8 When it was opened , British Rail argued that it was important because it would not be necessary to improve the lines around London .
9 He added that it was important that key educational objectives were addressed from the start .
10 He says that it is important for partners in the smaller firm always to ensure that they will be adequately represented in the combined firm 's management structure .
11 Dave Edwards , Chair of the National Caving Association 's working party on radon , says that it 's important to put the risk of catching cancer in this way into context .
12 He is quite decided that it is important that we all go to the one service although I feel that if we covered both services then we would not miss out on anything .
13 When you have erm we we 've decided that it was important that , I mean it seems very fashionable , that we measure client satisfaction .
14 He is a good cook , believing that it is important for men to learn to cook so that if they marry a woman not too well versed in the culinary arts , they will still survive !
15 I am at one with the hon. Gentleman in believing that it is important that we develop such a policy — but neither he nor I , nor anyone else , can say that any particular state of agriculture is frozen .
16 I simply did n't feel that it was important or necessary to enlighten you . ’
17 When discussing differences in earnings between black and white workers , we noted that it was important to look at a number of factors , for example , the age structure of the two groups and the kind of industry in which they worked .
18 Having said that it is important to point out that there is no one correct standing position .
19 When the doctor confirms that it is important to provide care , or when too much anxiety is felt in leaving an elderly person alone , the time has come to consider alternative options .
20 ‘ History shows that it is important to be on the inside of institution building in the EC .
21 Second , the text shows that it was important to know whether the general clause applied or not .
22 Because er I mean a lot of children these days , I think about my parents , it 's their money , they spend it , and I do n't really see that it 's important for it to be passed on to us , but in the case of a large estate , it becomes more important , if you 're looking at sort of two hundred three hundred thousand estate , then there 's going to be a lot of erm er asset value which would be taxable .
23 Although this issue has raised the passions of taxonomists , I can not see that it is important .
24 Er , so you can say that er Mr is a friend of pensioner 's , he said , he said he would be prepared to , what I , I , I approached him and said er , what about Harlow Caring Council , are they prepared to assist the pensioners in any way or do they wish to join in on this , oh yes he said , of course Norman he said , how much are you paying er Ron I said well his asking forty pound for the , for the morning , oh he said I 'll go half way with that , then he came out and said to me , pull me up afterwards and ask me to go to leisure services about the Tuesday , and so I 'm still following that up and hopefully we will have two days on pensioner 's week , because you want to have as much impact as possible and in a few moments , when I nearly finished here , I shall be reading you something where you 'll see that it is important that we make an impact on the people of Harlow .
25 In his article 169 letter , the European Commissioner stated that it was important that the rail link and the station should be considered together in terms of the environmental impact assessment if the European Community directive , signed by the Government and agreed to by this country , were to be met .
26 It ran right up and over his cheekbones , leading one to suspect that it was important for him to shave his eye sockets and forehead daily , if he wanted to avoid becoming altogether bestial .
27 With regard to the audience for children 's project work , it is becoming widely agreed that it is important for children to learn to take into account their potential audience when they are producing written work .
28 My Lords for reasons that have already been explained to Your Lordships and which I will not pursue yet for , er it seems that everybody 's agreed that it is important that the erm local authority representatives should be in the majority and I have to admit that my amendments do not go that far because I was concentrating on getting the magistrates back where they ought to be , er but er that is one thing , the other is that it er was an interesting point that er the Noble Lord , Lord of Greenwich raised , that my Noble Friend Lord Whitelaw er at columns four eighty and four eight one er questioned whether it was indeed appropriate that er the Home Secretary should make these appointments .
29 However , we all know that it is important and that it is the driving force of structure .
30 Kerin , 53 , a trained economist , was reputed to be more flexible than his fiscally conservative predecessor , but he quickly sought to reassure the business sector that there would be no change in Treasury policy , stating that it was important to preserve " all the benefits of the hard decisions " taken over the past few years .
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