Example sentences of "[verb] [that] there be just " in BNC.

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1 Doyle realised that there was just the hint of a smell of animal about the man .
2 But Jorge Hinojosa , the rapper 's manager , revealed that there was just one disappointing aspect of the whole deal .
3 We may feel that there are just too many dichotomies here for us to cope with .
4 We have seen that there were just over 100 there in 1875 .
5 In 1986 , the Office of Population Censuses and Surveys ( OPCS ) , estimated that there were just over a million ( 1,010 thousand ) one parent families in Great Britain caring for more than a million and a half ( 1.6 million children ) .
6 We can just as readily conclude that there is just one type of latent inhibition ; that the change induced by exposure to the stimulus always tends to dissipate during the exposure — test interval ; and that the size of the interval required for such a loss of latent inhibition to become apparent grows longer as the strength of the effect induced by the initial exposure phase is increased .
7 We can illustrate with the case of minimax punishment and , for simplicity , assume that there are just two firms .
8 It 's interesting , you 're talking about our first caller who was saying that there was just too much television coverage
9 If one tries to correlate one of these ( say the laminated beds ) from one end of the island to the other , one finds that there are just too many units at the east end .
10 To make the numbers a bit easier , let us suppose that there are just three offspring .
11 Having sifted through the views of countless organizations , through its technical appraisals , through computer assessments , it had concluded that there were just two places where it would pursue its investigations for an underground dump .
12 And this song does say that there is just one requirement from our part and that is , that we want to receive .
13 If we revert to the original problem , the solution of Ax = x , we now see that there are just n eigenvalues s and that correspondingly there are just n vectors xs ; i.e. we have n equations unc We can combine them all into the single equation unc or more briefly AX = X where X is ow the square matrix made up of the n column vectors xs , and unc is the diagonal matrix of the eigenvalues ; and our problem is now to find the matrices X and unc for the given A.
14 Sometimes there is a fixed pass mark and leavers receive their certificates graded as I , II , or III ; sometimes passes or grades are adjusted to fit places available in secondary school , but in either case , everyone knows that there are just so many secondary school places , and many , many more aspirants for them .
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