Example sentences of "[verb] [that] if you [vb base] " in BNC.

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1 The figures also suggest that if you hold a qualification , you are half as likely to be unemployed as someone who has none . ’
2 ‘ We strongly suggest that if you open a new course you want to get feet on greens quickly and that means building pay as you play courses . ’
3 They did n't know that if you have ecstasy you should drink a lot of water because of the risk of heat exhaustion .
4 And it 's good to know that if you have to , you can .
5 But there were loads of spaces and I also happen to know that if you do n't stay long the hotel management does n't mind . ’
6 However , the TTJ also report that if you want the real cause of bird 's eye features , do n't ask a scientist .
7 Reducing The Risk , a leaflet sponsored by British Telecom and published by the Trust , emphasises that if you feel frightened , you should listen to your instincts and speak calmly , gently and slowly .
8 You expect that if you set a 10:10 standard on a [ large well-known company ] for a , say a pickle liquor , or something , if you did that they would comply because they 're big enough and they 've got the expertise , and so on .
9 Well , I ca n't promise that if you leave I 'll be as generous as he was ; I 'll continue your allowance certainly , but as for a house , no ; for as you are well aware , because you know the books as well as I do , it takes us all our time , even with my salary , to continue living here as we have done of yore .
10 ‘ And do you promise that if you need a shoulder to cry on , you 'll come to me first ? ’
11 And so to take what we would describe as a reasonable view on this , we say that if you know from evidence there are a number of concealed households , you should seek to accommodate them .
12 They say that if you take one in five children , that 's twenty per cent of children , that probably eighteen per cent of children with special needs can be dealt with in ordinary schools and that there would still be need for special facilities for the remaining two per cent .
13 In this country they say that if you do n't like the weather all you have to do is wait five minutes and it will get better .
14 People say that if you do n't ask you get told more , but I have never found that to be true .
15 Peter and say that if you do n't do this you 're going to lose that , because that would n't be being
16 Sangster said : ‘ They say that if you have a good horse , a top jockey will invariably become available .
17 A lot of people say that if you play fast you have no feeling , which is completely wrong .
18 A lot of people say that if you play fast you have no feeling , which is completely wrong .
19 The one that I tend to use most of the time is this one not least , because it only three pounds , and it 's quite affordable but a , again , it 's got a loud sound to it , and I found that if you carry one of these with you and somebody does approach you , you 've always got this in your pocket and you can actually aim it them , cos they do n't know what you 've got in your hand .
20 I 'm not spying on him , so forget that if you 've got any such idea . ’
21 A standard story , repeated by travellers and natives alike , holds that if you travel 50 miles in Britain you will encounter a different sign language that can not be understood in the region you have just left .
22 I must stress that if you experience much pain , then individual lessons would be more suitable .
23 ‘ There is a rumour on the prison grapevine that if you run either side of a lamp-post you can break a pair of handcuffs .
24 One MEP has calculated that if you start with £100 in Britain and change this sum successively into each of the Community s eleven currencies , you would only have £50 by the final transaction .
25 ( I am not , however , suggesting that if you exercise it will be possible to live on a diet of eggs , butter and cream — moderation in all things ! )
26 I do n't know if you would agree with that or what you think of that , and one might to combat that if you agree that is does exist ?
27 then asked that if you know of anyone who should receive flowers from the Society please could you tell .
28 In the end , only the action is viable , so that all these essays tend to match the inside ethnography and are nullified by neglect or have any contentious matter treated as ‘ privileged information ’ , for as Templeton ( 1980 : 904 ) argues ‘ the police fear that if you have a better understanding of society , you are in a better position to change it — the very exercise [ they ] are reluctant to engage in ’ .
29 I fear that if you send more letters to the theatre Mrs Seale will notice the pug and will tell Papa .
30 But you would n't have C command , I mean that if you take the first structure in seven , that 's just the one in T three .
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