Example sentences of "[verb] [that] you are [prep] " in BNC.

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1 I suggest that you are over conscientious . ’
2 Shedding tears is a way of letting other people know that you are in need of comfort .
3 The second , for instance , amounts to an assertion that one can not answer the question ‘ How do you know that you are in pain ? ’ by simply saying ‘ Because I am in pain' .
4 ‘ As to Artai , ’ she said calmly , ‘ he will be reminded that you are in alien .
5 A stock of ‘ standard ’ components will not help when an unusual item is ‘ out of stock ’ , and with these you just have to accept that you are at the mercy of the suppliers .
6 When you come to retirement age , whilst not suggesting that you are past it , you are planning ahead for the time where you may not be quite as capable as were .
7 Having recognized that you are in a potential coaching situation here are the main steps :
8 How accountable do you feel that you are to the public ?
9 A useful test is to imagine that you are at a party and someone asks you what you are writing about : your answer will have to be short , coherent and sufficiently interesting to hold the attention of a listener who does not have to listen to you .
10 So did some less sympathetic correspondents : ‘ I am glad to hear that you are in hospital .
11 When listening demonstrate that you are by making ‘ continuity noises ’ such as ‘ um ’ , ‘ yes ’ , ‘ really ’ .
12 e.g. At the beginning of a lesson you may be told that you are to " make written notes on the rise of Louis Napoleon , paying particular attention to his sense of historic mission , his coups and his writings " .
13 Demoralising as the threat of redundancy may be , therefore , all is not necessarily lost even when you are told that you are among those who will have to leave .
14 The Chair is obviously referring to the fact recently in the courts , there was consideration of the closure of old persons ' homes , and you know that you are under a legal requirement to consult in respect of those otherwise any decision , to close without consultation can held to be invalid , and that has impinged on some authorities who were going down that route , so there is a duty there .
15 I know that you are behind schedule and I do n't want to incur the wrath of your moderator !
16 Remember that you are under no obligation to tell anyone about your positive result ; not even your employer or your G.P. Your decisions about who to tell should be very carefully thought through .
17 Remember that you are in the presence of the altar .
18 Remember that you are in charge of the meeting and have the ultimate authority .
19 With your permission , I shall let it be known that you are in fact my lord 's bastard — bastardy , whilst it precludes a royal marriage , is no impediment to a good match , more especially when the bride possesses a sizeable dowry . ’
20 But , however confident you are after being wooed and won by an overseas recruiter , you may feel isolated and vulnerable once you have signed a contract and find that you are on your own .
21 If you feel that you are in any way compromising yourself with me , then I think we should both say our goodbyes now , before it becomes even harder . ’
22 Erm , if you feel that you are in any way upset by the distribution of schemes in this booklet as it stands , your chance is between now and March to get back to the officers and say , but what about mine .
23 When the needle has centred , it indicates that you are on the centre line of the track set on the OBS scale .
24 It is now easy to see that any QDM received which is a smaller figure than the desired track QDM means that you are to the left of your track .
25 Any QDM received which is a larger figure than the desired track QDM means that you are to the right of your track .
26 But the fact that you 've had a go at the questionnaire means that you are at least beginning to think a little positively .
27 My word , Bodo , I really think that you are in the wrong profession .
28 In the end , if you keep your wits about you , there is every chance that not only will you get the best deal from your employer , you will also prove that you are worth it .
29 ‘ I do n't pretend that you are to be cured , my lady , ’ smiled the doctor , from under the Physical bob-wig that marked his profession .
30 Never have a spoken signal ; you ca n't speak when you are being throttled and , by the time that your partner has realized that you are in difficulty , it may be too late to revive you .
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